Page 110 of Before We Ever Spoke

“She’s the most cautious, level-headed person I know. And she could care less about money or being famous. The closest I have ever seen her get to letting that wall down was with Kenny, and she’s regretted that ever since.”

“That seems to be the general consensus about her ex...”

“You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince, right?”


“I’m sorry, I really just am worried my friend is going to get hurt. She’s had to deal with enough of that in her life the last five or six years.”

“That makes you a pretty darn good friend, then.”

“Maybe, but I’m pretty sure she is going to be mad at me for talking to you out here.”

“She’ll get over it, we’ve already been through this routine a few times during our short time together,” Coop laughed.

“Her brothers?” Lucy asked.

“Amongst others,” Coop replied.

“I guess everyone is just worried about your intentions.”

“I don’t have anything but the best intentions, Lucy, but I can’t promise I’m going to be Cara’s prince. I don’t need that kind of pressure.”

“Well, even if you’re not her prince, just don’t end up being another frog.”