Page 12 of The Recluse Heir


Iwas roaming around the empty garden, flitting from place to place, burying my nose in flowers, and inhaling the deep scent of the different varieties planted throughout the lavish space. I pressed my nose into a drooping, heavy bloom and inhaled. Early morning dew tickled my nose. A camellia. I recognized it from boarding school. Their bushy pink blossoms were so potent and lush, they were unmistakable.

I took a seat on a stone bench under a cascade of lavender-colored wisteria that dripped from the arbor above me, shielding me from the strong sun. I appreciated the shade since I had a little hangover from the night before. The weight of having to pretend to be the blushing fiancée was straining. Then, there was meeting Luca, and the blunder I committed in flirting with him. Which is what led me to drink one too many glasses of champagne, leaving me with the added problem of a headache. Taking in a deep breath, I raised my face to the soft breeze, listening to the tinkling of the fountain and luxuriating in the peace and quiet. We were here for the entire weekend, which I thought was an exaggeration, but my mother was more animated than I’d seen her in a year. My father, Simu, and my brother were conducting business with the Lupu men, so I didn’t have much say in the matter.

After a while, I returned inside and continued my aimless wandering. Having found out that this was Luca’s place, I was curious about the house and what it said about him. The place wasn’t a simple plot of land. It was more like an estate. The front half was a forest of trees, with a long road cutting through from the tall, spiked iron front gate to the semicircular driveway in front of the mansion. The white facade had eight groupings of double Doric columns that extended past the second floor, which was dotted with French doors, to the gabled roof. It felt like a mash-up of a Southern plantation and a French chateau, ostentatious without being tacky.

Since I entered through the front entrance, I took the large sweeping stairway in the foyer to the upstairs, pausing at the landing dividing the floor into two wings. The wing where my family was staying to my left—the guest wing. And to my right was the family wing, which was off-limits. I heard my parents rousing behind the door nearest to me. Not wanting to simply go back to my room until everyone was awake, and not able to explore the other wing, I returned downstairs.

The first floor was decorated with simple, clean lines in white and different shades of light gray with pops of color. Modern, but not sleek. It was…comfortable. I sailed through the sprawling living room, which had been returned to its normal arrangement with groupings of furniture. It was simple and elegant but also surprisingly comfortable looking. I shied away from the clusters of women settled in the various couches and armchairs gossiping and checked out the other rooms. There was a formal dining room in deep reds with the beginnings of breakfast being laid out, a comfy family room in dark blues, and a library, which was the only room that was heavy on dark wood, like libraries should be.

I passed the kitchen, where a cohort of employees was busy finishing serving breakfast, and spotted a narrow set of steps going to the basement. Slipping down the stairs, I coasted through a large room with an enormous screen, past a few empty bedrooms, and into an exercise room. An open sliding door looked out onto a deck, where I caught sight of bright blue water that could only be a pool and more flowers.

Curious, I was silently moving farther into the room to get a better look when I noticed that the door of the bathroom was slightly ajar. I heard the sounds of a shower going, and as I crept past, I paused and froze in my spot. There were earbuds, a phone, and an expensive watch laying on a bench near the bathroom. My mouth instantly went dry. I recognized that watch from yesterday. I swallowed around the lump lodged in my parched throat. A rush in my eardrums competed with the pulsating jets of the shower. Would I risk it? Would I nudge the door open and satisfy my curiosity about who was on the other side? In the shower, naked?

My fingers twitched by my side as I battled with myself. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to walk away. Just walk away, Cat. Walk away! But I couldn’t. I took a step closer. Then another. Still battling myself, I leaned in closer, placing my ear closer to the tiny opening of the door. I heard a low moan followed by a grunt. Those sounds went straight to my clit, like it had been zapped by an electric prod. Seriously, it was such an immediate and powerful reaction, I stumbled back a step. My heart skipped a few beats, my hands flexing at my sides. The noises I heard sounded remarkably like the ones in a porn clip Jewel showed me one time to demonstrate how to blow a guy.

Biting my bottom lip hard, curiosity and lust got the upper hand, and I lost the battle. In an explosion of movement, I shoved the door open. It bounced against the wall and smacked me in the side, but I stood stock-still in shock, my eyes glued to the vision before me.

Dear. God.

Past the glass of the shower was Luca. One large hand braced on the tiled wall in front of him, his other hand was wrapped around the thick trunk of his veiny cock. Hanging between his muscular thighs were heavy testicles, and for some reason, that was as sexy as the hand moving intently over the rigid length of his shaft. I’d never seen a penis in real life and this was one hell of an introduction. Heat flushed my cheeks as wetness pooled between my legs.

I started panting as he slapped the stone-colored wall and groaned.

That. Sound.

Oh, man, I was close to hyperventilating from the surge of lust volleying through my veins.

“It’s not polite to walk into a man’s bathroom,” a growly voice intoned.

I jumped out of my skin and yelped, but my eyes were stuck on Luca and his huge cock. I snapped my mouth shut. My panting must have given me away.

I stuttered, “I-I wasn’t… I mean, I didn’t…”

His piercing gray eyes snapped to mine. “Didn’t what? Didn’t mean to stray? Didn’t mean to watch?”

Amusement seeped through the harsh tone of his voice. I should’ve spun around and run off. I should’ve gasped and backed out. I should’ve done anything but stand there like an idiot, watching hungrily like a starved beggar, but I was powerless to move. I couldn’t move an inch. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him if I wanted to. Hell, I could barely breathe. Did I mention he was still jacking off in front of me? That he hadn’t stopped for an instant, hissing through his teeth when he treated his cock to a particularly rough hand? The man was bold; I’d give him that.

But then again, so was I.

He moaned again, a sound that wound its way through my body once again. My nipples stiffened. I pressed my thighs together, trying to create a little friction.

“Beautiful,” he warned. “You shouldn’t watch.”

“You’re right, I shouldn’t,” I rasped out, but there was no stopping me. This was the hottest, filthiest thing I’d ever witnessed, and I needed to see it to the end. His molded ass cheeks, tight and flexing with each thrust into his big, clenched hand, showcased concave indentations on the sides with two perfect dents. Oh, and did I mention the tats on his hand and fingers? There was a beautiful, intricate rose in the center with different symbols on each finger.

“Maybe you should stop,” I counseled, marveling that my voice came out somewhat even.

He barked out an incredulous laugh. “With those beautiful brown eyes on me, gorgeous? Not a chance. I don’t claim to be a good man.”

I didn’t bother to respond because there wasn’t much else to say. Here we were: him jacking off and me watching.

“You’re a curious kitten, aren’t you?” he asked, his voice hoarse as his hand gripped harder and went faster until it was a blur. The crown was getting darker, and his shaft seemed to elongate and maybe stiffen. In the sauna-like heat of the shower, one floor separating us from the regular world whirling around above, we were trapped in our own dreamland. Time slowed; every movement he made was loaded with deliberation and intensity.

Secreted away and cocooned in this sheltered realm, I moved closer to get a better look. Since I was long past the moment of leaving, I intended to squeeze every sexy drop out of this experience. Bringing my bottom lip between my teeth, I licked it repeatedly. Then I gave the top lip the same treatment.

“Keep doing that to your lips, baby girl. You watching makes me want to fuck myself raw,” he muttered, his glittering silvery eyes blazing into me and then returning to his cock. My own fingers twitched to touch myself.