Page 52 of The Recluse Heir

Nicu and Alex approached me, laughing and clapping me on my back. Those good-natured slaps made my ears ring from the hits I took to the head, but whatever. My jaw ached like a motherfucker. I touched my cheekbone gingerly. I’d soon be sporting a few rainbow-colored bruises.

Simu glowered at me as he rubbed his temples.

I smirked back at him because he knew what I knew.

I’d won.

Whatever dreams he’d harbored of Cat were officially dead. Topping Simu certainly hadn’t factored into my decision to take Cat, but I’d glory in it anyway. Without a backward glance at the Popescus, I took my time exiting the alley. As I rounded the corner, I took a moment to shake off the spinning in my head and made my way to the car, where Stegan was waiting.

“They worked you over good,” he observed.

“If you think I look bad, you should see what I did to Simu,” I countered.


“The fucker rushed me. It was no holds barred after that. I clocked him, and he went down like a fucking pussy.”

“Good,” he grunted as he opened the back door. “Hate that smug asshole.”

I shot off a text to Cat, but she didn’t respond. A couple of hours had passed since I left her in my apartment, and I expected her to be waiting by her phone. Worry settled in my chest.

Moments later, Alex slipped into the passenger seat up front, and Nicu came in beside me.

Alex said, “I told Nelu you’d bring Cat by their house tonight so we can get that shit over with. While she’s there, she should pack a few bags. Where are you going to be, the penthouse or in Westchester?”

“I figure it’s best to stay at the penthouse until we settle everything with her family and bring her around to Mama. Then, I have to put a ring on her finger and show her off in public so everyone will know that I’ve claimed her.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Alex approved, turning to face forward as Stegan pulled out into the street.

Nicu and I hadn’t talked on the ride to meet the Popescus, but it was now time to fix this. Although he didn’t care for Cat, Nicu had a healthy dose of pride, like all the Lupu men. My main worry was to make sure he came out of this with his reputation intact. Alex had already done a lot to protect his image. I wasn’t too worried about Nicu’s feelings. On a scale of one to ten, Nicu’s sentimentality hovered near zero.

“You seem more than okay with this,” I began.

As he turned to meet my gaze, I said, “I didn’t expect this to happen, Nicu. I never meant to hurt you and the last thing I want is for you to feel humiliated.”

“Hurt me? Humiliated?” he sputtered out, followed by a laugh. “I’m fucking relieved that I’m off the hook. You’ve saved me from a loveless marriage. Christ, it’s not like I ever hid the fact that I thought you should be with her. She was always yours, but you were too much of a stubborn ass to see that. When I caught the way you looked at her at the engagement party, I started plotting how to get out of this marriage.”

My eyebrows shot up.

“Yeah,” he went on without skipping a beat. “That’s why I gave her the cold shoulder and insisted that you drive her to her classes. Luca, do you seriously believe I would’ve passed that task on to anyone if I intended to fuck her, much less make her my wife?” He shook his head like I amused him. “Come now, I’m no idiot.”

“The fuck…” I muttered under my breath.

Nicu clamped a hand on my shoulder and said, “Not everyone is as oblivious as you are. The two of you were meant to be together. You would’ve seen that earlier if you hadn’t been so busy fighting everything and everyone. If I had tried to step in, you would’ve resisted, so I stepped back and let you find your own way. For once, you finally did the right thing.”

I was so relieved that I chose to ignore that last jab. Nicu was right. I’m not sure how I would’ve reacted if he’d been straight with me. Either way, he didn’t feel betrayed, and that was the most important thing.

“So, everything worked out for the best,” I said.

“Damn straight it did,” he retorted.

With the air cleared between us, I checked my phone for a text from Cat. Still nothing. I shifted in my seat, antsy to get back to her. Her lack of response was a worrying sign.