Page 50 of The Recluse Heir

“Fine,” Nelu replied.

“As for the three of you, you each get two hits. I don’t need lasting damage on the groom’s pretty face. If you can’t make him bleed after two times, that’s on you.”

“Three. We each get three hits or kicks,” burst out Simu.

I gritted my teeth at his demand. Little fuck, he’s enjoying this. I threw him an unrepentant grin to get under his skin. He could kiss my ass. I’d take any hit he threw my way, but I’d keep count, and, one day, I’d get even with the prick. Not only for the hits, but also for every single time he’d kissed Cat.

Alex eyed Simu with disdain. “I don’t even know why he gets a go at Luca. He’s not blood.”

“But he’s family,” replied Nelu.

Gaze zeroing back on Nelu, Alex said, “You and Cristo get three. Simu only gets two.”

“Accepted,” Nelu muttered, reaching out to shake hands. Alex clasped Nelu’s hand and they shook on it.

“Now, as for Cat living with you until the wedding, that’s not happening.”

Alex let out a chuckle. “Do I need to remind you what a blood bond is exactly? The wedding is a symbol of respect toward the woman as the newest member of our family. Luca here is sweet on her and wants to give her whatever her little heart desires.” He leaned over the desk. “But make no mistake, the second he breached her, she was his. His to do with as he wants. Considering the way Cristo spoke to my brother, I don’t see why he’d let her return to your family for any reason. Ever.”

Damn, fratele. It had been a while since I’d seen him in action. Nelu was known as a supreme negotiator, but Alex had done his homework and hit back with an argument to every one of his demands.

Nelu’s eyes narrowed on Alex. “We want proof that there’s a blood bond.”

“For your sake, I will not take insult at your request. What do you want? Bloody sheets or an examination by a doctor? What are we talking about here?”

“Meeting her and speaking to her will be enough. Alone. We want to make sure she hasn’t been coerced in any way.”

I saw red. Rising to my feet, I bellowed out, “And what, Nelu? Even if she’s been coerced, blood has been shed. There’s no changing the facts. You want to test the semen on her? Should I have made sure she didn’t shower before I left her in my bed? Let me save you the effort. I breached her. Talk to her, and you’ll find out I took her virginity. Check the sheets, and you’ll see I took her virginity. Test her, and the result will still be that I took her virginity.”

Nicu took my hand and guided me back to my seat with a calming hand. The gall of these people. They were the worst sort of mafie. They played dirty and smeared anyone in their vicinity. It was a sheer miracle that Cat came out of this environment intact.

Coolly, Nelu ignored me and repeated, “Seeing and speaking to her alone will suffice.”

I let out a snort of disgust.

“Very well, it will be arranged,” Alex agreed.

Nelu motioned to an antique bar cart crafted of whitewashed wood and burnished metal near the door. The silent bodyguard procured a bottle of ?uica and shot glasses. Banging them down on the ornate desk, he poured the shot glasses.

“Noroc,” saluted Nelu, raising his glass.

“Noroc,” we responded in staggered intervals.

“Drink up,” Nicu muttered. “You’re going to need it.”

We threw the shots back, not one of us flinching from the harsh burn of alcohol.

And it was done. Now, I only had to make it through getting beaten up and Cat would be mine. Simu would make sure to hit me extra hard. On my end, I’d provoke him by reminding him exactly who Cat belonged to. Me.