Page 49 of The Recluse Heir

By pivoting this as a star-crossed love story, the only part of this farce that was true, Alex was minimizing it. If he admitted to revenge, then retaliation could be expected. But it was not uncommon to hear about couples creating a blood bond against the wishes of their families for love. It was an age-old fairy tale that existed since the inception of the blood bond.

“No harm, no foul,” Alex went on. “At one point, you preferred Luca. Nicu was always your last choice.” He motioned toward me. “Well, now you have him. You’re welcome.”

By controlling the narrative, and making it seem as if my brothers were aware of my intentions and had given their blessing, all in the name of love, our sef corroded the platform on which Nelu could demand restitution. Nelu would try anyway, but it would be far less than he had hoped to get out of us.

“Why didn’t you approach us the honorable way instead of sneaking around and stealing what wasn’t yours to take?” Nelu asked, tilting his head to face me.

“Do you not know me, Nelu? Since when do I follow the rule book? I’ve never pretended to be honorable. I’m a gangster and I take what I want when I want it. End of story,” I said, keeping my gaze locked on him. His cheek twitched with irritation, but he held his anger in check remarkably well. Then again, he wasn’t the one with the temper. That would be Cristo.

As if on cue, Cristo butted in, “I’ve never liked you, and I like you even less now. Should’ve known you’d do something underhanded like this. I was fucking glad when Nicu was chosen, even if he’s a cold bastard. Better him than you, in my opinion.”

“Let’s not pretend any one of us has clean hands, shall we,” suggested Alex.

I jabbed my finger toward Cristo. “See, right there is why I didn’t come forward. With Nicu on the hook, you wouldn’t have allowed me to marry Cat, even if it made her happy. No, you’d spite her to spite me. Don’t deny it, Cristo. You might love your sister, but you’re as vindictive as they come.”

His face turned a mottled purple with rage. “Fuck you! Don’t you dare question my love for my sister. You have no idea who I am to my family. And if I didn’t let her marry you, it’s because I know what’s best for her, and it sure as hell is not you!”

“Yeah? Like you knew what was best for Una? Because you declared your undying love to her at one point. Is that how you treat the people you love? If so, then thankfully, I’ve gotten Cat out of your hands.”

Gripping the air as if it were my throat, he warned, “I’m going to kill you.”

“Suficient,” snarled Nelu to his son. Enough. That seemed to set him back a step. Chest heaving, he stumbled back against the wall, his spine slamming against the plaster.

When I said he’d never accept me as an alternative, I wasn’t lying. Even if I had told my own family, even if every one of Alex’s lies had been true, I wouldn’t have approached the Popescus.

Unbothered by Cristo’s outburst, Alex continued, “I say we keep the wedding date the same. Considering the animosity Cristo has displayed over this union, I think it’s best if Cat stays with us until the wedding. I don’t trust him not to hurt her.”

Cristo made a choking noise and propelled himself off the wall, but Simu shoved him back.

Pulling up the sleeve of his jacket, Alex checked his watch and came to standing. “Well, I’d say we’re done here, Nelu.”

Nelu put a staying hand on Alex’s forearm and replied, “Not so fast.”

Alex heaved a dramatic sigh and returned to his seat. Looking thoroughly bored, he asked, “Yes, what is it?”

“There’s the matter of the blood bond.”

“What of it?” Alex replied with a hint of impatience.

“He took Cat’s virginity. There needs to be restitution.”

“Oh.” He arched an eyebrow. “What do you suggest?”

“Monetary restitution.”

“That’s not happening,” Alex replied coldly. “The issue has been resolved between the brothers. Nicu will not accept Cat. Luca has. If you want to withdraw from the marriage contract, that’s your prerogative, but I can assure you, that will not be acceptable to us.”

The suggestion was a low blow, but he’d preempted a strike with one of his own and hobbled Nelu’s advantage. Nelu wouldn’t consider withdrawing from the contract; it was too lucrative for him. Not only that, but he genuinely loved his daughter, and a broken marriage contract would leave her reputation in tatters.

“Then blood for blood.”

“Such as?”

“There’s an alley in the back of the restaurant. After we finish up here, each man takes a turn at Luca.”

I rolled my eyes. I expected such a suggestion from these fucking barbarians. At least my father’s training made me invulnerable to hits from people I despised.

Alex took his time staring at each man for a long moment. Pointing to the silent man leaning against the wall, he said, “Not him. I don’t even know who the hell he is, and he has nothing to do with this.”