Page 35 of The Recluse Heir

“I’m not a huge fan of cities, either. Might be the six years I spent on a posh prep-school campus in New England. Although Jewel hated being away from the bustle of New York. She missed the noise of the traffic. It took her months to learn to fall asleep.”

“Do you think you’ll be happy in my other home?”

“Of course. I’m already in love with your garden, and your pool.” My voice dropped as I finished, “And your shower downstairs.” And just like that, the air between us shifted. I felt his muscles tighten behind me, like a predator on the alert. And I was his prey.

Burrowing into the side of my neck, he murmured, “Is that right? You can’t imagine how much I wanted you that day. Truth is, I wanted to touch you the moment I laid eyes on you, creeping around the corner to escape that suffocating party. But downstairs, the spirit you showed, the courage of watching me…and then when you lifted your skirt and thrust your hand down your innocent white panties…” He groaned into my skin, the hot breath and vibration of that sexy sound making its way down my spine.

His hand slid up my torso and cupped my breast, thrumming my nipple to a hard point. “You’re a good girl, but you can be such a bad girl at the same time. Christ, it was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.”

Bending slightly, he hooked his arm beneath my knees and swooped me up in the air. I let out a squeak as I grabbed hold of his solid neck. Giving me a long, scrutinizing look, his eyes roamed over my face from my eyes to my nose and mouth, and back up again.

“I’ll make it good for you, Cat. Ready?” he asked, his deep tone had a fistful of gravel in it.

Touched by his concern, I swallowed hard. I’d preserved my virginity much longer than many of my peers, that was for sure. Although I’d done it for my family, I was surprised to realize that I was feeling a little sentimental. I was glad that my first time would be with Luca and not a husband that I didn’t choose. It was a moment of empowerment to take the clout behind this prized virginity and wield it like a weapon to forge my own path.

“I’m on the pill if that makes a difference as to what we do.”

His head dropped back on his shoulders and he let out a low moan that had me wiggling in place. “It makes a hell of a difference. I’m going to get my big cock in you bare, baby girl. You think you can handle that?”

Heat shot through my core. God, his dirty talk. I didn’t finish nodding before he was moving, gliding swiftly over the marble floor, down a hallway. Passing one door, he pushed open the next door with his shoulder and brought me into a large master bedroom. It contrasted starkly with the white of the living room.

Here, everything was dark, various shades of midnight blue with accents of azure and cobalt. The centerpiece was a huge, canopied bed with large swaths of patterned blue damask that were gathered at each intricately carved wooden post. It gave off the air of a throne. A very dramatic location for the deflowering of a virgin, I thought as he placed me on my feet right beside the bed.

My nerves returned at the sight of the huge bed and the fact that we were on the verge of the big moment. What if I didn’t do it right? What if I didn’t satisfy him? I felt his erection rub against my belly as I pressed against him. I’d seen him jerk off, so I already knew he was massive. What if it didn’t fit? I shook my head. No, that was impossible. They all fit in eventually. Didn’t they? But what about with virgins?

Concentrating all my attention on his tie, I fiddled with it as I confessed, “I don’t really know what to do…”

A long breath blew out from his sculptured lips.

His hands smoothed down the sides of my body, settling on my waist. “It’s normal, beautiful, but I’m not going to rip into you right out of the gate.”

A wave of relief tumbled over me and my shoulders slumped forward in relief. His hand cupped my cheek gently.

“First, I’m going to prep you with my tongue and my fingers. Make you come and scream my name until you’re primed and begging for my cock.”

“Oh,” I replied, heat flashing through me.

He chuckled, bringing his lips to mine and simply leaving them there for a bit, as if to acclimate me to his touch before he made his next move. “All you have to do is follow my lead.”

I gazed up at him from beneath my lashes. “And you’re sure that you’ll…get off? Even with a virgin?”

He dropped his face into the crook of my neck and laughed. “I’m sure. Baby, you’re going to be so tight and wet that getting off won’t be my problem. Holding back until you get off will be the real challenge.”

Scorching heat flushed my cheeks and coursed down my throat. His filthy mouth morphed my nervousness into a thrill that ran down my spine. His thumb found my nipple and thrummed it in the most distracting fashion.

“Beautiful, I’m dedicated to your pleasure. I’m going to learn every single inch of you and mold this pussy until it flutters with anticipation every time you set eyes on me.” His hand pressed between my legs, a finger tapped my clit and my body jolted against him. “This sweet little body will know whose fat cock makes it come. And I will satisfy you. Each. And. Every. Time.” A shudder racked through me. I pushed into his hand, seeking more. More. I needed more.

* * *

She shook in my arms,but the way she writhed her hot pussy against my hand, I figured she’d turned the corner on her nerves. When I dropped her to her feet, her eyes bounced around my bedroom like I’d thrown her into a BDSM dungeon. It was to be expected. Cat was giving up her virginity and it wasn’t our wedding night. But, courageous girl that she was, she was willing to break that sacred rule and plunge into unknown territory. For us. For me.

With closed-mouth kisses, I caressed my lips over hers, putting her in charge of the pace. I wasn’t going to maul her like a beast. No, I had every intention of relishing her and making her go mindless with pleasure. From the way she thrust her hips and ground her mound against my palm, she was on the right path. The chemistry between us was already explosive, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. Here she was, a nervous virgin, but already she began following her instincts.

I was so damn proud of her.

Once she opened to me, I brushed my tongue inside, stroking leisurely until her fingers curled into my shirt. She’d already loosened my tie, so I finished the job as she whimpered in frustration. I took our kiss deeper and she responded in kind. Dragging the straps of her dress down, I peeled it off her body. My fingers made contact with hot skin. So smooth and silky. I found a beaded nipple and flicked it. She jerked against me with a throaty moan and then pressed closer.

Goddamn. So responsive.