Page 22 of The Recluse Heir

Slipping into the seat, I slammed the door shut. I threw my head against the headrest and let out an exasperated sigh. The leather seat felt cool against my heated skin.

Luca slipped into the driver’s seat, shut the door, and sealed us in the silence of his car. His big hands wrapped around the steering wheel. The little tricolor Italian flag blinked at me from the base of the steering wheel as he twirled it around to back out of the parking. On the hub of the wheel, the large black and gold Lamborghini emblem of a raging bull was proudly displayed. That seemed like an apt totem animal for Luca. Even the black and gold of the logo, denoting power and luxury while staying simple and bold, was a perfect fit.

Once he’d driven far down the street, he let out a brilliantly vibrant laugh. I’d never heard him laugh before. The sound echoed through me, shaking me to my core. His facial features shifted in a way that left me breathless. I’d seen his light eyes flash with humor before, but I’d never seen his generous mouth spread into such an incredible smile. Crinkles emerged at the corners of his eyes and the dimple on his cheek made its rare appearance.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Because Simu was about to blow a gasket at the thought of you and me lunching together,” he answered with another chuckle.

“He’s protective of me. That’s not so unusual,” I explained.

He gave me a side-glance. “He’s more than protective. He’s downright rabid. What’s the deal between the two of you anyway?”

I fiddled with the flirty hem of my light-blue silk dress.

“Nothing,” I lied.

I cringed, hearing my voice go high.

He gave another little smirk. “Okay, now you have to tell me,” he ordered. “I can tell you’re lying, so you’ve piqued my curiosity.”

I remained silent.

“Come on, beautiful,” he coaxed. “You can tell me. Remember, I’m not a tattler.”

His gentle teasing was so alluring. I don’t know what came over me, but I found myself saying, “My father practically promised me to him before whatever craziness happened with Alex. I’m so embarrassed to say this, but we even…kissed a few times last summer.”

Everything I’d felt for Simu, including those kisses, seemed silly after what I had shared with Luca. And I wasn’t even discussing the physical aspects, although my physical desire for him was intense. It was the intimacy between us after what happened in the bathroom and when we talked, alone in my bed, the morning after he’d consoled me in my sleep.

In a flash, his entire body transformed, going from civilized to beast-like in the blink of an eye. He coiled over the steering wheel like a large feline about to strike.

His tone was low and hard when he commanded, “Repeat that?”

Flustered, I stammered out, “Nothing happened. I mean, I’m a dutiful daughter, but we thought we would get married, so it didn’t seem wrong…at the time. Once I was engaged, everything stopped. A—and it’s not like Nicu would care anyway…”

“I care,” he exploded.

I jolted, back flattened to the seat. The shock of his confession blasted through me, leaving me scrambling to keep up with this new development. Close behind it, tendrils of fuzzy warmth seeped into my very bones. He cares.

He was breathing heavily through his nostrils.

“It doesn’t fucking matter what Nicu thinks. You don’t know Simu like I do. He’s an animal. He could’ve taken advantage of you. He could’ve hurt you.” He emphasized the hurt like it was a personal offense to him.

“He would never. You don’t know him like I do. Simu is my brother’s best friend and my father’s consilier. He’d never cross that line.”

“He already has,” Luca spat out. “You have no idea what he’s capable of. If he respected you so much, if he was your brother’s best friend and your father’s right-hand man, then he shouldn’t have touched you before your wedding day, in any manner.”

Luca’s reaction sent a frisson of excitement and fear down my spine. At that moment, he seemed more dangerous than Simu.

In a hushed voice, I said, “But you’ve touched me.”

“That’s completely different,” he snapped.

“Is it?”

“Goddammit, yes.”

“How?” I persisted.