Page 70 of The Chosen Heir

“She’ll go to that workshop,” Bunica said. “Even though I’d rather you left her alone.”

I gritted my teeth. “You know I can’t do that. It’s not even about Tata’s oath to keep her safe. It’s about what could happen to her if the wrong person gets a hold of her. You may have confidence in her ability to elude them, but I don’t. The marriage to Cristo is off, regardless. Nina changed my mind about what to do with Tasa once I found her. I’ll let her go, I promise, but it’s imperative that I know she’s safe,” I said in a decisive tone. “That’s my final word on the matter. You can fight me all you want, but I will get what I want.” After a beat, I threw in, “I always do.”

“Following the logic of that statement, if you wanted Nina, then you’d figure out a way to get her back. You’re choosing not to do anything,” she concluded.

Between gnashing teeth, I gritted out, “It’s the best thing for her.”

Bunica slammed the metallic bowl down on the table and exclaimed, “It’s not! Why don’t you ask her what she wants before you decide for her? Has Tasa’s running away not taught you anything about making decisions for others? When are you going to learn?”

She glared at me before returning to forming her meatballs.

A flare of anger burned in my chest. I loved my grandmother, really I did, but she was a continual thorn in my side. The real saint of the family must’ve been my grandfather for putting up with her for so many years.

I narrowed my eyes at her and ground out, “I’m doing what’s best.”

Dropping the meatballs, one by one, in the large pot of simmering soup, she muttered more to herself than to me, “No, I guess you haven’t learned that lesson yet.”


I came here to talk about Sebastian and ended up getting lectured about my love life by an eighty-year-old woman whose head barely reached my shoulder.

“Where’s Mama?” I asked, bracing myself for what was coming. No son should be put in the position I was about to find myself in, introducing the subject of her beloved husband’s other family. That was going to be one hell of a conversation.