Page 45 of The Chosen Heir

In my mind, it was as if Nana had willed his fingers to latch the thin, delicate chain around my throat. At the same time, latching my heart to him, years before lust made an appearance.

“I know this sounds weird, but it’s as if Nana is guiding me even now. I may have lost Tasa, but I’ve gained something in exchange because I’ve wanted him for a very long time.”

“Aww, fuck,” he cursed, swiping his big hand over his face and tugging at his chin. “I had no idea.”

“No one did. Not even him. Tasa was the only one who guessed, and she tried, in her own subtle way, to suggest that I do something about it, but I couldn’t. Her arguments with Alex were epic, and I was afraid she’d feel betrayed.”

“They couldn’t be as horrible as the fights that go on in this family,” he said with a snort of disbelief.

My lips twisted in a wry smile. “No, maybe not. Our fights are legendary. Pretty sure the whole neighborhood has heard the shouting coming from here.”

“Fuck,” he said again. Coming to stand in front of me, he placed one of his now-oversized hands on my shoulder and squeezed. “Be careful, girl. I won’t survive if anything happens to you.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me,” I assured him, making a funny face and sticking out my tongue.

“Better not, or I’ll hunt him down and kill him myself,” he warned.

“Yo-Yo, you don’t own a gun and wouldn’t know how to use one even if you did.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You doubt my skills? I’m a gangsta when I wanna be. I’ll be his worst nightmare, his public enemy number one if he touches a hair on your head. Anyway, who says I need a gun? This is a lean, mean fighting machine,” he said playfully, smacking himself in the chest. Yo-Yo had been taking tae kwon do for years, it was true, but he was no match for a grown man with the kind of strength I’d felt on Alex.

Not wanting to bruise his ego, I agreed, “Fine, you can be my avenger. Satisfied?” Testing one of his biceps, I made a little scoffing noise and joked, “You better get back to those weights if you plan on any one-on-one combat anytime soon.”

“Funny. So fucking funny,” he retorted as he sailed out of my room.

“Shut the door,” I called after him. That boy always left the door open. This was the first time Yo-Yo had seen me with a man, and I was touched by his protectiveness. Even though I was usually the one looking out for him, it made me realize how lucky I was to have him. Tasa might love her brothers, and they certainly treated her like a princess, but she didn’t have that kind of relationship with them. Not even Nicu, and he was her twin. In a more hopeful mood, I turned back to the closet to figure out what to wear for this dreaded dinner. You know what they say…fake it till you make it.