Page 22 of The Chosen Heir

Her eyes, large and bright, melted on me as she murmured her assent, “Okay.”

“Good girl,” I crooned in a low voice for her ears only, and she shifted in her seat. It pleased me to see her reaction to something as simple as the change in my tone. She was so attuned to me already. Nicu had mentioned her nature was compatible with mine, and this was proof she was indeed my good girl.

Rising, I assisted Nina to her feet. With a goodbye nod to my brother, I firmly planted my hand on her lower back and guided her out of my club to a waiting car.

“Isn’t Nicu coming as well?” she queried, peering out the window of the car.

Stegan, my driver, chuckled from the front seat. He knew what we all knew. Nicu went hunting at night, whether the prey was a woman or an enemy whose throat he’d slit. His nickname wasn’t the Vampire for nothing. He was the most brutal of us, with a craving for spilled blood. But these were the kinds of details Nina should never be aware of.

She may know more about our life and family than I had anticipated, but that didn’t mean she’d be privy to the gory details. We did our best to shield our women, but who the hell knew what she might inadvertently find out. She was an innocent, and I couldn’t expose her to the ugliness of my world. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if her soft eyes turned on me in disgust.

Whether we had a blood bond or not, Nina would always be mine to protect. When it came to outsiders, blood bonds weren’t clear-cut like with a mafie girl. There was some wiggle room around marriage, but an honor-bound man like me didn’t walk away from a woman after taking her virginity. That’s why mafie-made men avoided virgins.

But that was done and over with. Regardless of the requirement that I marry my own kind, regardless of the blood bond I’d triggered by popping her cherry, deep in my fucking soul, I knew Nina belonged to me. My gut seized at the mere notion of letting her go.

“He can find his own way home. It’s enough that we work together and practically live together. We don’t have to travel together as well,” I responded, although I liked that she worried about him. Truth was, no one handled a threat better than my youngest brother.

Closing the privacy screen between Stegan and us, I turned to touch her again. Before I could say a word, her lips met mine. Her clutch toppled into the footwell as she pressed her gorgeous tits against my chest. Fuck, I wanted to delve deep and never come up for air. Her lips were soft and gentle, her tongue tentative, but I forced myself to break off our kiss. There was an issue that needed to be addressed before we went any further.

“Nina…” I started.

She batted her eyelashes at me, her big brown doe eyes clearing although her little hands fisted into the lapels of my coat and tugged me closer.

“What?” she asked in a hoarse voice, squirming in need. In need of me. Every cell in my body screamed at me to take her, mark her, and teach her what it was like to be mine—teach her that every inch of her perfect, lush body was mine alone and that I was the only man who’d satisfy the itch between her legs.

But I didn’t rise to the pinnacle of the Romanian mafie by getting distracted, even by someone as luscious as Nina. I jerked at the collar of my fitted button-down shirt. Who was I kidding? When it came to my self-restraint, this girl was my weakness, as evidenced by my major slipup earlier. But that tension had been in the making for years. When we finally came together, the energy was explosive. Hell, it was beyond even my tight control.

“There’s one issue we need to get straight before we move forward with whatever this is between us,” I continued.

Releasing me, she nodded her head eagerly, her eyes centered on me with renewed focus. Something I regretted but knew was necessary. Folding her hands primly in her lap, she gazed up at me with her full attention, lips slightly parted, the bottom one taunting me to lay the tip of my cock ever-so-gently on top of it as I command her to open up and suck. What a precious little wifey she’d make. If only she were Romanian and of my world, she’d be a perfect fit.

I was already in over my head. Shedding her virgin blood had called to something deep in my soul. That made her mine to protect forever, but to make her mine in every way was…problematic, to say the least. As the head of my family, I had some leeway, but everyone expected me to marry mafie.

One more taste and—focus.

Squinting my eyes marginally to indicate I was serious, I made my tone hard as I warned her, “You can’t run away from me, Nina. That’s a no-no.”

“Run away?” she queried, her brows drawing together.

“Earlier tonight,” I reminded her, “when you got upset about Tasa. I explained I won’t tolerate any disrespect or flaring tempers like the one you exhibited. That is particularly true in front of other people. Nicu is my brother and knows you, so I allowed it to slide, but you cannot undermine my authority in public. People trust me with their lives, and my power must seem absolute.”

I flicked my hand to dismiss that issue once my position was stated. She was a smart girl. She’d understand. Grasping a hold of her upper arms, I dragged her closer and continued, “But what truly pissed me off was when you were about to stomp off. To run. That’s unacceptable. Tasa already ran away from me, and the fallout of that may turn out to be a disaster. I will not abide you running from me. If you’re upset, hold it in until we’re alone. Then you can go at me as fast and hard as you like. Be assured, I can take anything you throw my way.”

Nina blinked up at me. Was that shock I read in her eyes? If so, then fine by me. If this woman was going to be by my side, this was her first lesson. Let’s see how she handled it.

Hauling her up to me until our lips almost touched, I resumed, “We can scream it out. We can fuck it out. Whatever you want. But one thing I cannot, will not take, is you running. I’m going to fuck you hard enough as it is, sweetness. Believe me when I tell you, you do not want me running you to the ground to fuck you. Make no mistake about it, Nina; I will do both should you pull a stunt like that again.”

Crashing my lips to hers, I gave her a hard kiss before putting her away from me, on the other side of the car. “You’ve been forewarned.”

Inching toward me, her eyes luminous in the half-light of the car, she whispered, “Tell me, Alex, how hard would that make you fuck me exactly?”

Her soft, lilting tone had my cock going rigid. It’d perked up at her kiss, but the inquisitive, barely restrained excitement in her words, especially when fuck fell from her innocent lips, had my cock stiff and raring to go. She had no idea how close I was to the edge, or she wouldn’t taunt me with her big eyes, glistening with arousal, pushing out her pouty bottom lip and speaking to me in that breathless voice.

My eyes bulged slightly. Fucking hell, this woman would be the death of me. Was fucking her roughly the only part of my diatribe that had penetrated her skull? Was that the part that held the most value for her? Because there was no doubt she was highly aroused.

“How hard do you want it, Nina? Tell me,” I commanded, my voice more beast than human as I loomed over her.

Flushed with desire, she picked at the edge of her coat and murmured, “Maybe I’ll run on purpose just so you can catch me.”