Page 16 of The Chosen Heir


Holy. Shit. I knew that walking into the club, using Alex’s name to get access to the VIP lounge, and letting Gregory stick his disgusting, sloppy tongue in my mouth might be worth the trouble I was courting, but I’d never ever thought it’d turn out this well. Color me stupid, but sex was incredible. Way better than what the average woman suggested. It was Alex. Besides a few moments when it’d hurt like hell, this was insane. The pressure of his cock when he pressed into me, the burn of the stretch, and then the climax at the end? Put the orgasms I’d had by my own hand to shame. To. Shame.

I knew there was a savage beneath that suit, covered over with only a thin veneer of civilization. The beast is what called to me the most. The kindness and protectiveness he’d shown me through my childhood was nothing compared to the time I spied him beating the hell out of a man around the corner from his house or pounding into my classmate’s mouth. Those two moments—okay, especially the last one—were when I realized that I didn’t only want him, I needed him. Strong. Demanding. Brutal. It called to everything inside me that was soft, that wanted to yield to his rough commands.

I’d planned it right, banking on the chance that once he was inside me, he wouldn’t stop even after discovering I was a virgin. It had paid off. He had the kind of ruthlessness I craved. Alex had called me a princess, but there were zero regrets for losing my virginity in a nightclub bathroom. Princess, pssht. It was cute of him to think so. My only response was, thank God it hadn’t stopped him from fucking me like I wasn’t one.

Now, it was done.

I cast a look over my shoulder and found him tucking his beautiful cock away and zipping up his pants. Grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser, I scrunching my nose and asked, “Don’t you want to clean up?”

He shot me a wicked grin. “Not a chance in hell. You know how I am about blood.”

“Um…I do?” I knew Romanians like him considered blood to be symbolic and that virginity tied a man and woman together in the mafie. While I’d plotted, I wasn’t sure the blood bond applied to me. I was just a regular American girl.

He nodded. “You do. I want your bloodshed on me, Nina. I earned it. It stays on until we get home, and you can clean it off me at leisure,” he promised darkly.

Yeah, I definitely didn’t know anything about not cleaning up afterward, but for some inexplicable reason, my chest burst with pride. God, was I as bloodthirsty as he was? I matched his cocky grin with one of my own. We’d clearly both gotten off on tearing through my hymen. That’s okay, we’ll be sick together.

But that didn’t mean this wasn’t a one-off. My smile slipped. He’d talked about me cleaning him up at home, but that wasn’t enough clarity for me. I mean, Alex was a gorgeous, powerful man who could fuck like a stallion. He could have any woman he wanted.

In a hesitant voice, I prodded, “What happens now, Alex?”

His eyes sharpened as he smoothly pried the paper towels from my death grip and twisted the faucet open. Drenching them underneath a stream of scalding-hot water, he squeezed them and crouched down. Ever so gently, he cleaned me with soft swipes, folding the paper towel to expose a clean side before going in again, until he’d decided that I was clean enough.

“What happens now is that I’m going to drill into that sweet pussy until it’s stretched out to the size of my cock. But before that, it means you’re going to get rid of that fucker you came with.” His eyes flicked up and locked on mine. “You belong to me now. I’ll give you the kindness of doing it yourself. Otherwise, believe me, I’ll gladly take care of him.” His eyes glittered like hard gems. “My way.”

A shot of delight thrummed through me. The raw possessiveness behind his words was music to my ears.

“Oh,” I replied, my grin coming back tenfold. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

He snagged my panties from the floor and tucked them into his pocket. “My trophy,” he explained smugly. “Now be a good girl and get rid of that bastard before I do, Nina.”

I smoothed down the front of my dress. “Give me five minutes.”

“Five,” he ground out, pinching my chin and tilting my head up. “Trust me, Nina, you don’t want to test me on this.”

Noticing the muscle in his jaw doing jumping jacks, I nodded my head vigorously.

I turned to go, but he held on tight and ordered, “Wash your mouth.”

“My mouth?”

“Yes, your fucking mouth. I want to kiss you.”

“You already kissed me,” I reminded him.

“That wasn’t a kiss. I want all remnants of that man gone,” he snapped harshly.

“I can assure you, Alex, I don’t have the slightest memory of him.”

“Damn it,” he muttered before taking hold of my nape and bringing me in for a fierce, claiming kiss that had me melting against him. He gorged on my mouth like I was a feast and it was his last meal. My lips were tingly and puffy by the time he finally took a step away and released me.

“Now go. I want you at my table in exactly five minutes,” he pronounced as he took out his cell phone and pressed on his timer.

Holding the door open for me, I flew out and rushed to Gregory.
