“No, but I’ll admit that it was possessive on my part. I want everyone to know who you belong to. What did you do at your mother’s?”
“She was very admiring of it, so you chose well but I couldn’t admit that I got it from my sugar daddy.” I barked out a laugh at that. She continued, “So I lied and told her that Tasa lent it to me.”
“Hmm,” I replied, expecting as much. While I felt a small pang of disappointment, I had achieved my goal, which was to make sure she knew who she belonged to. If Yo-Yo had figured it out, that would’ve been an added bonus.
“Come,” I urged her as I squeezed a bit of lemon juice into the shell of an oyster, picked it up, and held it up to her. She bit into her plush bottom lip, two pearly white teeth making slight indentations into the plump flesh. I wanted to drag her over my lap and lick it all better for her, but there would be time enough for that later.
Tipping her chin up, she finally opened, and I let the oyster slide into her mouth. She chewed on it thoughtfully and then looked up at me.
“It’s not bad. Salty.”
“Good girl,” I complimented.
Following my lead, she squeezed a little bit of juice from a sliver of lemon and picked up the oyster. “Now it’s my turn.”
I took the oyster she offered, flicking the tip of her fingers with my tongue before allowing her to slide the oyster into my mouth. Afterward, I took a sip of champagne.
“Oysters, champagne, you. Three of my favorite things.”
The vein at the base of her throat, just below the cuff, pulsed wildly. I watched it appreciatively before lifting my gaze up to hers. She took another drink from her flute, this one more of a gulp than a delicate sip.
“Watch it, or you may get tipsy,” I warned.
Batting her eyelashes, she teased, “Wouldn’t you like me just a tad bit tipsy?”
I stifled the groan coming up my throat. “Fuck, you know I would, little girl.”
Needing to be closer to her, I moved from my seat opposite her, and she shifted to give me space beside her on the banquette. I unbuttoned my jacket and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Instantly, she leaned into me, her floral scent drifting up to me and grabbing hold of my balls. I was glad that she was so receptive to trying new things. I wanted to experience more with her, like showing her my little house in Capri, on the Amalfi Coast of Italy, or my penthouse in Paris. I’d search out the best southern Chinese restaurants so she could initiate me to the things she loved.
My fingers crept beneath the hem of her red knit sweater dress, my thumb swiping back and forth over her bare skin above her garters. It hadn’t escaped my notice that under my firefly’s demure clothing, there were garters and silky jewel-colored underthings. A collection I would definitely be adding to. Getting a peek of ruby red, I bit down on my groan and refocused my attention on our conversation. “How was it at your parents’ house? Any arguments?”
She shook her head, long tresses of dark hair tumbling over her shoulder. “Birthdays are special, so we try to keep the peace. Or rather, my mother does, and she’s the source of most arguments. During special occasions, she’s able to contain herself.” Her forehead puckered. “Mostly.”
I petted her silky hair, silently urging her to continue.
“My mother,” she began with a sigh. “I mean, I love her. She’s sacrificed so much, but her ideas of what’s right and wrong are super rigid. If we deviate just a little bit from what she thinks is safe, she stresses out. I’m better at managing her anxiety, but Yo-Yo’s dreams of being a rap star are a nightmare for her. I’m trying to convince him to at least go to college, but even that’s an uphill battle,” she finished, her eyebrows pulling tight in worry.
I huffed out a small laugh. “I had the same conversation with Nicu this afternoon in my office while I waited for you,” I replied. As if I didn’t already know she was perfect for me, her commitment to her family and her love for her brother were yet more proof.
Bringing her into my chest, I raised her glass and fed her a healthy sip. Her hand came to my chest, stroking it gently with a little scratch now and again that had me wanting to grab her and pull her over my lap to straddle me. I thanked my lucky stars that I’d convinced her to live with me. That at the end of this meal, I would take her home, spend the entire night, and then wake up to her in the morning. That could happen day after day, and I’d never get tired of it. Hopefully, that right would become legally mine, and I could keep her forever.
We’d polished off the champagne, along with some other light fare, when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I was highly tempted to ignore it, but my phone didn’t usually ring after ten o’clock if business wasn’t on the agenda. I’d specifically cleared off this entire night, alerting everyone that I wanted to be left alone tonight.
With an irritated sigh, I pulled out my phone and checked the number.
He was on an assignment to follow Una, Cristo’s girl. Although I had gotten the information I needed, it was important not to let up on anything relating to Nelu.
“What?” I started with a growl in my tone.
“Sorry to bother you, Sef, but we have a situation. I’m so sorry, Alex.” He sounded genuinely apologetic.
“Explain,” I demanded.
“Una. The girl.”
“I know who Una is. Go on, man,” I clipped out.