“Would you rather I prepare you a cup of tea instead?” Alex asked me, looking me over with concern.
My brows drew close. Son-in-law? Did I hear correctly when I overhead Alex and Tatum talking? He hadn’t mentioned that tidbit last night. As if that wasn’t bad enough to ratchet up my nerves, Tatum had given him a blatant watch yourself look on his way out.
Turning to Alex, I replied, “I love coffee.”
Did he assume I didn’t like Turkish coffee? If only he knew that Tasa prepared it every morning for us.
He cleared his throat as his hand caressed down the side of my neck before cupping it at the base. “I used your pretty mouth rough last night. Thought you might need tea with honey. The grounds of Turkish coffee can be hard on a tender throat.”
Good God. Heat shot up my cheeks, and I swallowed around the light band of his fingers, inadvertently testing the soreness. While touched by his concern, it was a pretty ballsy thing to say, first thing in the morning. But that was Alex. Alpha all the way.
“I’m good… It’s not really that sore,” I managed to rasp out, dizziness taking hold of me.
“Good,” he replied, his hand slipping off my throat. My skin turned cool at the absence of his touch, and the urge to follow him and burrow into his chest dogged me, but I forced myself to remain where I was.
Reaching for a pan, he said, “I’m fucking ravenous. I can make an omelet. You hungry?”
Oh, I was ravenous alright. Ravenous for him. But I refrained from saying as much, although the way his gaze lingered on me told me he was referring to more than physical hunger. Warmth pooled in my belly, spreading outward to heat up every cell in my body.
Approaching the fridge, I opened it and asked, “What do you need?”
As he rattled off the ingredients, I pulled them out and set them on the counter beside him. It was like a fantasy come true, helping him with Sunday breakfast as if we were a couple. A family. Taking a seat by a kitchen table overlooking a large window, I watched as he efficiently sliced up vegetables and ham. Needless to say, I was a little surprised at his quick and competent movements, as if he’d been making omelets all his life. With the traditional way his mother talked about gender roles, I hadn’t expected Alex to be comfortable in a kitchen. A part of me assumed he had a live-in chef who prepared his meals.
Settling onto the bench, I relished the sight of the deeply masculine male moving around his kitchen with smooth effortlessness. I had been a ball of nerves waking up alone in his huge bed. Not only was it the first time, but the man in question was nowhere to be seen.
There were no sounds coming from the bathroom or anywhere nearby. I half thought he’d abandoned me, and I’d find a note telling me how to leave the apartment. Turning my face into his pillow, I’d taken a moment to inhale his male musk mixed with the woody scent of his cologne. It was such a hedonistic fragrance that I could’ve stayed there all day. There was no telling if I’d have another opportunity, so I took my time.
A whirlwind of images from last night had assaulted me. My back curved like a bow as he positioned me on my hands and knees. Alex licking my pussy from behind, nipping at my clit with his teeth. A blinding orgasm. Screaming until I was hoarse. Him mounting me from behind, his fingers around my throat just as they had been a few moments ago, although much tighter. Alex thrusting into me, letting out grunts that had me coming again.
After luxuriating in those thoughts long enough to make me wet, I’d thrown back the sheet and stared down at my nakedness. Not wanting to retrieve the discarded dress on the bathroom floor, I threw on the first thing I found in his chest of drawers. Creeping into the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and did my business. After a little one-to-one pep talk with my reflection in the mirror, I quietly ventured out. Creeping softly out into the hallway, my ears picked up two deep masculine voices, which I followed to the kitchen.
My heart had seized with panic when I peeked around the doorjamb and found Tatum there. He was Alex’s right-hand man. Tasa called him, “the voice of reason.” I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help hearing him warn Alex not to think with his dick. That didn’t bode well for me.
I melted when Alex replied that it wasn’t only about sex with me. That my presence soothed him. A swell of gratification burgeoned from deep within me. This was exactly what I wanted to be to this man. I wanted to give him peace. He seemed to have so little of it in his life.
But that talk about being Nelu’s son-in-law…maybe it was an off-the-cuff comment. See, that’s what happens when you eavesdrop, I chastised myself.
A second wave of relief came when Alex took me into his arms. Wrapped up in the warmth of his big body, his woodsy musk had my head spinning for a moment.
Now, I lounged back and gazed out the floor-to-ceiling window, sipping from my small cup of coffee while he finished the omelet, imagining this was our life. Just another lazy Sunday morning, maybe with little kiddos running circles around out feet. It ticked off all the boxes. I gave a longing sigh.
He slipped a full plate in front of me, along with silverware, before taking a seat. Calm silence reigned as we ate. The food was as delicious as anything Tasa or her mother had prepared. Hints that this was a Romanian meal abounded in the sliced tomato and cucumbers, or the slices of bread and pieces of farmer’s cheese that were found at every meal I’d ever had at Tasa’s home.
“This is amazing,” I praised him.
“Surprised that I can cook, aren’t you? Don’t try to deny it. I saw it on your face.”
Giving a little shrug, I remarked, “I assumed you’d have a live-in chef or something.”
“I have someone who comes in several times a week, but I like my privacy. I don’t want to have to cohabitate with a staff of maids, chefs, and drivers. Work and family rules my life. People are always around me.” He gave a small shrug. “Not everyone can be trusted either,” he divulged.
My hands paused in the middle of cutting. “I’m honored you’ve let me in to your apartment.”
“I’m letting you in even further, Nina. You’ll live here until everything gets settled. I thought I made myself clear on that point yesterday.”
“Um…I wasn’t sure you meant it. Yesterday was yesterday. Sometimes, people change their minds the morning after…” I explained haltingly. Even though Alex had said some kind things about me, my insecurity over Tatum’s comment and his parting look to Alex stayed with me. And then there was Alex’s “son-in-law” comment.