Page 12 of The Chosen Heir


I was out of my seat and stalking toward her before I realized what I was doing, but then I was too far gone. By the time I reached her, her mouth was being devoured by this other man. Completely oblivious to my presence, it took every ounce of my self-control not to rip the bastard off her.

I let out a growl. Hearing it, she started and attempted to pull away, but the man’s grip on her nape kept her in place. I heard a soft whimper, and my fist was seconds away from obliterating this motherfucker.

“Nina,” I ground out, loud and harsh.

Nina shoved at the man’s chest, dislodging his mouth from hers. Her head snapped in my direction, eyes flaring wide in shock and fear.

At this point, fear was good. She should be fucking afraid.

“A word,” I snapped.

“What the hell—”

Nina grasped the man’s arm and stopped him midsentence. “This is the brother of my best friend, Tasa. You remember Tasa?” she asked hurriedly, nodding her head as if that would help him understand the severity of his situation.

He frowned at her. “From school?”

I ground my jaws together, my patience wearing thin. “Nina. Now.”

“Hey!” the man called out, but Nina was already on her feet and skirting around the low couch to get to me. Good girl. The growling, snarling beast pacing in an endless circle in the cage of my chest tossed its head in impatience.

Wrapping her fingers around my arm, she implored the guy, “Gregory, order another drink. I’ll just be a moment.”

Although her touch, combined with her immediate submission, cooled off the worst of my rage, I could’ve ripped the face right off Gregory.

Tugging at my arm, she tried to move me, but I stayed right where I stood because I was nowhere fucking done staring down at this cocksucker. If he had any sense, any sense at all, he’d be gone by the time I brought her back. If I brought her back. A big if.

“Alex, please don’t make a scene,” she urged, her bulging eyes edged in white. “I’m coming with you.”

My head swung toward her. “Me make a scene? After getting your face sucked off in the middle of my club. You’re kidding me, right?”

“Please,” she begged in a low, husky tone that caught hold of my attention. Or, more to the point, the attention of my dick. Not only had I never seen her with a man before, but tonight, I was forced to watch the bastard swallow her whole. Whipping around, turning my back to the other man, I allowed her to drag me away by the lapels of my jacket. She pulled me to the far end of the lounge and down a hallway going toward the restrooms. When we turned the corner into a darker hallway, I abruptly took control and backed her against the wall.

With her caged in my arms, we stared at each other for a long beat. Our chests were heaving, although probably for different reasons. I scrutinized her face, looking to see if she was drunk, aroused, or both. What I saw was anticipation mixed with fear, and I couldn’t deny that it pleased me greatly. My gaze dropped to the full bright red lips that had taunted me from afar. Smudges of lipstick circled her mouth and fury abruptly caught hold of my throat once again.

My jaw ticked away as I catalogued every trace left by that bastard.

“What the fuck are you doing, Nina?” I demanded in a dangerously intimate tone.

“I-I’m on a date,” she stammered out, averting her eyes.

“This is how you let a date treat you?” I scoffed, corralling her closer until her panting chest brushed against the open sides of my suit. “In my establishment?” I pressed closer. “Under my very nose?” I dipped my head and let my nose graze the side of her throat, scenting her. The sweet fragrance of jasmine and vanilla hit my bloodstream, bringing my lust to a boil. Turning me ravenous for another taste.

“I-I don’t know,” she stumbled over her words.

“You don’t know?” I inquired in an innocent tone laced with warning. “You come into my establishment, dressed in a sexy red number like this, looking like a fragile rose. Then you stick a thorn in my side by letting a strange man maul you in front of me, and all you have to say for yourself is that you don’t know? You want to poke the bear, Nina? Because I’m more than willing to let it loose on you. If anyone touches you, especially in here, that man will be me. You come in here, flaunt yourself, and throw another man in my face? It’s like waving red in front of a raging bull. You wanted a reaction, little girl? Have no fear. A reaction is what you’ll get.”

I pulled back to watch the effect my words had on her. Her mouth opened to speak, snapped closed, and opened again.

Nothing came out.

Pushing open the door of the employee restroom beside me, I flipped on the light switch and hustled her inside. Seeing her blinking up at me like a deer in headlights drove my hunter instinct hard. Her momentary weakness summoned the rampaging predator clamoring to be let loose on her.

“Wipe your mouth,” I commanded severely.

She raised trembling fingers to her mouth and wiped it with the back of her hand.