Page 82 of The Perfect Heir


Iswitched to the 7 train, got off the subway at the 46th Street-Bliss Street station, walked down Queens Boulevard, and took a turn onto my street. Pausing on the stoop of my family’s home, I took in a deep breath. This was probably the last time I’d walk down my street, the street where I was born, the street where I grew up, the street where I met Alex and became the consilier of the Lupu clan.

I walked through the door to find Star sitting on the living room sofa, wringing her hands. Jumping to her feet, she flung herself at me. I caught her and hugged her tight. I didn’t generally tolerate much physical affection, but this would have to last a lifetime.

“Thank goodness you’re okay,” she muttered into my black hoodie.

“I’m okay,” I said, choking back tears.

“I didn’t think you were coming back. I don’t know why, but this time I was afraid.”

“I almost didn’t,” I confessed.

She dropped to her feet, stepped back, and blinked up at me.

This was the first time I’d revealed anything about what I did. She knew, of course, but it was an unspoken rule that we’d never address it out loud.

“I have to go away,” I grated out, my eyes drinking her up, memorizing every detail of this girl who’d turned into a stunning young woman in the blink of an eye.

“Will you be back?”

I shook my head once.


I looked left and right. “Is she here?”

“No, she went grocery shopping. She’ll be back soon.”

“I have to leave before she returns.”

Her lashes fluttered in distress, her hands coming together and clinging to each other. “You won’t say goodbye to her?”

“It’s better if I don’t. It’ll be easier on her. Less drama. Less crying. Fewer questions. You’ll have to be the one to take care of her now,” I said. “I know it’s a big responsibility.”

Star’s big, beautiful chocolate eyes enlarged with fear. I gripped her trembling hand and dragged her to the sofa. Sitting beside each other, I realized this was the first conversation we were having as equals. She’d have to rise to the occasion and take my place. She’d have to become me, and there was nothing I could do to save her from this fate.

“Starlene,” I began. “You’re my baby sister. I took care of you from the beginning.” We both knew the story of Mama’s postpartum depression after Star was born, and my father wasn’t the kind of man to take care of babies. “I’ve tried to protect you. I’ve done the best I can.” I spread my arms wide. “This is it. This is where I get off the train, and you keep riding on your own.”

“What does that even mean?” she whispered.

I clasped her hand. It didn’t come naturally, but I did it anyway because this might be the last time I touched my sister, and I wanted her to feel my love for her, I wanted to imbue her with my strength. She was going to need it.

“I did what I thought was best. Whether it was right or wrong, I don’t know. I’ll tell you everything, and you decide whether Mama should know the truth because from now on, you’ll be making all the decisions.”

Holding her gaze, I squeezed her hands tighter and blurted out, “Tata was involved in Mihail’s death. He saw the way Alex trusted me, relied on me, and believed I’d become the next consilier. To speed up the process, he schemed with the Bratva to take a hit out on Mihail.”

Star inhaled sharply.

“I found out because I’d snooped around on him like you did to me when I left the house earlier today,” I said.

“How did you—”

“Never mind how. Ivanov killed Tata as well, seeing him for the weak link he was. During the Summer of Blood, I had a choice to make. Tell Alex or keep quiet. I thought the best choice for everyone involved was to keep quiet. That decision came home to roost when Grigore somehow found out and used it as revenge for Simu’s death.”

“For that and for you and Clara getting together,” she quickly added.

Huh, I always knew Star was quick, but she’d seen or heard more than I thought.