Page 33 of The Perfect Heir

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Is that why you were so determined to have me come to New York, to butter me up because you knew that my father intends to hand the clan over to me?”

My face hardened. I gave her a forbidding look. I was insulted by her suggestion that my motivations weren’t pure, but I saw her accusation for what it was. An excuse to pull away from me. I felt the irritation rising, but I locked it down. Clara would always be a handful. It was what I loved about her, and it only gave me an opportunity to hone my skills when it came to her. A challenge? With my little queenie, I was more than up for it. Time to give her a taste of the control I’d referred to earlier.

My hand wrapped around her throat, tightening, and pressed her into the mirror. A big man like me, making a move like that, would scare the average woman, but Clara’s expression didn’t change. If anything, the fact that she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip was a sign of lust.

“Listen, I’m not going to talk about business with you right now. This conversation is about you and me. Us. About how I’m going to fuck you hard when you need it and smack your ass harder when you need that. I’m also going to lavish my attention on you and this sweet pussy. Baby doll, I’m going to spoil you rotten, and you’re going to love it,” I promised darkly.

Her gaze shifted away from mine. “H-how do you know what I need?”

“Because it’s my job to know. A man with my specific tastes, in the world we live in, has to be careful. You know how nosy and judgmental the mafie are. What we have between us, stays between us. If the vanilla world can barely understand, do you think the mafie world can? Nah-ah. They’re even more traditional and conservative.”

“Is that why you’re not married?”

I gently tightened my grip around her throat. “One of many reasons. I’m a complicated man, Clara. I see your brilliant mind clicking away, trying to figure me out. I promise you, there’s no way you can comprehend the extent of who I am in a few minutes or even a few days. You need to commit to me. Submit to me first. Then, I’ll open myself up to you,” I counseled her.

“I don’t trust you enough to submit,” she whispered over my lips.

My jaw muscle ticked at her admission. I wanted her heart instantly, but I, better than anyone, knew how to work hard to get want I wanted. On the positive side, she hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand, which meant that she was aware of that side of her, even if she’d never had a chance to act on it until now. I liked the idea that I’d pop her cherry in every way imaginable, from her first kiss to fucking her ass.

“I’m sorry. I’m only being honest,” she murmured, her eyes downcast.

“Hey.” I lifted her chin until her gaze was back on me. “I appreciate the honesty. Not used to it, but I appreciate it.”

I moved my hand to clasp her nape while the other slipped down her torso, under her shirt, and over her bra-clad breast.

Thrumming her nipple, I said, “I’m going to show you that you can trust me. You just have to start by giving in a little bit.”

“But I can’t get married,” she exclaimed.

I stifled a groan. Leave it to a mafie girl to go from point A straight to marriage.

“Let me worry about that, sweetness. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let’s take things one step at a time.”

“But it can’t happen—”

I squeezed her nape, cutting her off. Good girl, she was a natural at responding to my unspoken demands.

“Listen to me,” I said again to get her attention. “I know it’s not how you were raised to think, but let’s put that aside for now. Why don’t we try things like normal couples and get to know each other first?”

Her eyes blew wide with trepidation, but she slowly nodded her acquiescence. A wave of triumph cascaded over me. It was a huge win, considering the culture she’d been brought up in.

I had no idea how this was going to work. Between her father’s demands, her future responsibilities, my allegiance to Alex, and the secrets that bound me to him, Clara and I were a failure waiting to happen. For once, I didn’t care. I didn’t give a fuck. For once, I wanted something, and I was going to take it. Just like a Lupu would.

I was done talking. It was time to show her what I was made of, and more importantly, it was time I leave my mark on her. There was no way I was introducing her to my cock immediately, and especially not here. It was a moment to build up to, but at least I could implement step one of my plan to get her addicted to me: fuck her with my tongue.