“A routine?”
“Yeah, like a short skit. The kids like it and the moms go nuts for it.”
“Okay,” I say slowly, waiting for the punchline.
“But it ends with a kiss,” she finishes.
I turn to glance at her and she’s grinning at me, waiting for me to laugh as well.
“A kiss,” I say.
And then, for no reason I can ever explain…I am overcome with the thought. All I can think about is what it would be like to kiss Savannah Winters. The image is so vivid, the feelings it stirs up so intense, I find myself gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white.
I let out a sharp exhale because…crap.
What was that?
“You can see why Savannah freaked, right?” Callie says, her tone so light and laced with amusement.
“Right,” I say. Mine sounds hard and flat in comparison. “Because having to kiss me would be so very terrible.”
“I didn’t mean…” She trails off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything against you, it’s just…”
I should stop her. I know very well she wasn’t trying to offend me. And she didn’t. But there are claws digging into my chest as I replay Savannah’s horror earlier. And while I should cut off Callie’s apology I’m hanging on her every word. It’s just…what? I stay quiet. But I want to know why Savannah freaked out and I want to know why Callie and Willow found it so funny and…
Ah heck. There’s a lot I want to know, and the only person who can enlighten me is Savannah.
“It’s just that Savannah doesn’t really do that kind of thing, you know?” Callie’s fumbling over her words, her fingers toying with her skirts in sheer discomfort. “I mean she would have if Mrs. Messner’s son was still playing Prince Charming. But…well, you know…”
Again, I should stop her babbling. But my insides are growing tighter with impatience with every word. Did she like Mrs. Messner’s son? Was that what Callie meant?
Why does that thought make my insides twist like I just got gutted? “No, I don’t know. But what?”
But she hates you.
But she has a boyfriend.
But she’d rather kiss anyone other than you.
But she thinks you’re an entitled ass…
And she might not be wrong.
My head is spinning with so many possible endings that when Callie does finally answer, it catches me off guard.
“She’s just not very experienced like that, that’s all. And that’s not a bad thing.”
I look over to see Callie wincing. “Um, can I stop talking now? I think maybe I’m sticking my foot in my mouth so it’s probably just best if I—”
She mimes zipping her lips shut.
“What do you mean she’s not very experienced like that?”
Callie squeezes her eyes shut. “Forget I said anything, please.”
“Callie,” I say. “We’re all friends here.”
She opens her eyes and looks a little relieved by that. “Yeah, you’re right. I kinda forgot that you two are friends.”