We’re facing off like a duel’s about to break out.

And that idiot April thinks there’s chemistry between us.


I blink in horror again because…was that why she’d done this? Just to make me look bad in front of Leo and his family?

The thought makes me want to weep. I’ve always known April’s faults, and I’ve never thought of her as a true friend. But she’s still the first sleepover I’d ever had—at her house, of course. And we’d spent countless hours gossiping about boys and practicing makeup and hair.

I swallow hard as I back up a step.

It’s getting harder and harder to play it cool. My hands are shaking in their long white gloves and it takes me a second before I can slide my fingers into the hidden pocket of the gown. I don’t have to fish for it for long. The ring is a heavy burden and I swear it’s weighing me down.

“Here,” I say sharply as I hold it out to him. “That’s why you came out here, right? To make sure I didn’t run off with the family jewels?”

I force a scoff, like it’s all so droll. Like it’s all beneath me.

As if him staring at me like I’m a criminal doesn’t make me want to crumple to the ground in tears.

Leo fingers the ring, eyeing it like he’s never seen it before. Maybe he hasn’t. This house is probably filled with crazy expensive jewelry.

And none of it is April’s.