
I’m dreadingthe cafeteria again the next day.

I’m exhausted. The party went late, and it was well after midnight when Leo dropped me at home. And we stayed in his car kissing for so long that when I finally stumbled inside, my lips were swollen and my head a muddled mess.

So yeah, I’m not exactly my best self this morning.

But that’s not why my stomach is clenching and twisting with every step I take toward the cafeteria. The moment I walk through the doors, I stop. I stare at the girls who are already at our table, but my feet have launched a revolt.

My head is already playing out what I’ll say, how I’ll play it off, how to make it seem like I’ve got it all under control. I imagine how I’ll smile coolly when Leo shows up and act like nothing ever happened.

I know the score. I know how to play the game.

But the thought of it is more than just exhausting. It’s nauseating.

And suddenly I hear Isla’s words from the other day. Whenever you get tired of it, you know where to find us.

My feet once again have a mind of their own. They change course before I even officially decide what I’m going to do. When I slide into the seat beside Isla, Callie and Willow smile at me from across the table.

“To what do we owe the honor?” Callie teases.

Willow just hands me some of her apple slices like a welcome gift. Isla gives my arm a little nudge as she leans into me, and then…

Then it’s just nice. It’s normal.

If April and Cora and the others are wondering why I’m not sitting with them, I don’t notice because I don’t even look in their direction. Maverick joins us, stopping briefly to ruffle my hair in quiet acknowledgement of my being there with them, and then he sits next to Callie and she snuggles up against him.

But if Maverick’s here then that means Leo’s arrived.

Which is cool. It’s fine. I listen to Isla and Callie’s chatter as I eat my lunch.

It’s better this way. I can pretend like nothing happened between us so much easier from here. And he can listen to April gossip about me and my desertion and not have to own up to the fact that he’d temporarily lost his senses and made out with me.



I am doing just great.

The sudden silence at our table gets my attention first. Neither Callie nor Isla is known for staying quiet for long. When I lift my head, I see them staring over my shoulder.

And then he’s there.

Leo slides into the seat beside mine, setting his full tray down with a thud beside my measly little lunch.

Everyone stares at him. Me included.

“What?” he says, all cocky swagger as he reaches for a fry on Callie’s plate. “I’m your new Prince Charming, right? Surely that earns me a spot at the table.”

More gawking from all of us. Luckily Callie snaps out of it first, laughing and telling him of course he’s welcome.

Because I am incapable of speech at the moment. My mind is spinning and my heart…

Ugh, my heart’s like a kite that’s come untethered in a hurricane. It doesn’t know which way is up.

Idon’t know which way is up. So much has happened this week. I’ve had too many revelations and way too many feelings are battling it out inside my chest.

“What are you doing?” I finally ask, my voice low as the others talk amongst themselves just a little too loudly, like they’re trying to give us privacy.