It’s the sound of a throat being cleared behind us that has us stopping. Freezing. Staring at each other in shock.

“Um, sorry to interrupt…” Addie’s voice is soft and high.

Leo sets me on my feet and we both turn to face her and Vince, who looks like he’s trying not to laugh at catching us making out.

I clap a hand to my mouth.

Oh my God, I just made out with Leo Barons.

“Your mom’s looking for you,” Addie says to Leo. “We figured maybe you wouldn’t want her to find you before we did.”

Leo lets out a short laugh. “Thanks.”

They slip back inside and he turns to me. I see reality returning for him, the searching look and a hint of wariness.

It’s only then that I remember that Leo Barons doesn’t do girlfriends. Everyone knows he’s a player. I know this better than anyone since he’s made out with every one of my friends.

He runs a hand through his hair, looking so uncertain it makes me want to laugh and cry all at once.

“Uh, should we talk about…” He trails off with a wince that confirms my suspicions.

He’s still Leo Barons. Nicer, more genuine, and way more complicated than I’d ever imagined. But he’s still the charming player.

And I’m still me.

My shoulders go back as I shake my head. “No talking. Let’s just go have some fun.”

Tension seeps out of him and he grins as he reaches for my hand.

I try not to feel disappointment. For tonight, at least, I’m going to have fun. I deserve it.

And tomorrow…

Well, I’ll deal with that then.