Addie and Vince share a quick look and I get the feeling they’re having a silent exchange. Then Addie gives me a gentle, apologetic little smile. “I think that’s something you’ll have to ask her.”

I nod, slumping down in my seat.

Vince shoves some fries toward me. I start to shake my head but Addie’s grinning at me, all pleased as can be. “Eat,” she says. Leaning forward she drops her voice to a stage whisper that anyone can hear. “Food is Vince’s love language,” she says. “This is a big step for him.”

Vince rolls his eyes, but his lips are twitching like he’s trying not to laugh.

I do laugh, because it’s kind of amazing to watch this sweetheart make fun of Vince. I snag a fry and give Vince a wink that makes Addie crack up. “Thanks for the food, big guy.”

He grumbles something about how we’re the worst, and I say my goodbyes.

It’s not much, but I feel better for talking it out a little. Maybe it’s not me, which would be good. It still doesn’t answer everything, but—

“Leo!” April’s voice catches me off guard and all my good feelings fade fast. I try to act appropriately polite, but this girl has been rubbing me the wrong way for weeks now.

Ever since she and Shane broke up she’s been trying hard to force some sort of bond between us that’s just not there. That will never be there.

“How’s it going, April?” I offer as she falls into place beside me.

“I just wanted to say…” Her cheeks turn pink and she suddenly starts speaking so quickly it takes my brain a second to follow. “I don’t know what Savannah told you, but I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for anyone to actually get in trouble. It was just supposed to be a joke, you know? Because Savannah acts all high and mighty all the time, and she’s so proud of herself for having that stupid job. And Cora and I just thought it would be funny if she got fired or something, you know? But we never should have involved your family or—”

“Hold up,” I say.

She stops instantly.

“Are you telling me that you told Savannah to steal that ring?”

Her cheeks turn an ugly shade of red while the rest of her face goes sickly white. It’s not a good look on her. “No. Of course not. It was just a prank. I-I told her it was mine and that I left it, but no one was ever going to keep it or—”

I turn away abruptly, too overcome with anger to let her finish.

The stupid thing is, I’m not even pissed at April. Well, I am. For doing that to Savannah, I mean. But I wouldn’t have expected anything else from her.

No, what has me stalking off in the hopes of spotting a leggy, impossible, infuriating blonde is the fact that Savannah didn’t trust me enough to just tell me the truth.

She didn’t tell me anything.

But that stops now.

Because now, I am going to give this girl a piece of my mind.

And then…

Well, then I’m probably going to kiss her.