I smile at her and Vince glowers, though there’s no heat behind it. He’s just crazy protective, that’s all. And I’m starting to get why. He’s lost everyone close to him. For the last couple years, at least, he’s been on his own, with no one looking out for him but himself.

I straighten with a start as I realize who else that describes.

The more I get to know Vince, and the more I’ve learned about his upbringing, the more I can see past all the growling and the glaring. Even the fighting, I get. A good offense is better than defense, right?

“You’re staring at my girl,” Vince informs me.

But again, there’s no heat behind his snarl. If anything he looks a little amused by my distracted state.

“Sorry,” I say to Addie. “I’ve got a lot on my mind, I guess.”

She points a finger at my nose. “Hence the need for some fresh air.”

I give a huff of amusement. “Exactly.”

Vince turns to Addie. “He needs a break from Shane.”

She wrinkles her nose with distaste which makes Vince smile.

“He’s an idiot,” I say. Which is basically like stating that the sky is blue and the grass is green, but they both seem to appreciate me saying it aloud all the same.

Shane was an ass when Addie first showed up. He and April were both horrible to her. I look back toward the cafeteria. Why do I put up with them?

Why does Savannah?

Aaand now I’m right back where I started—obsessing over Savannah.

“Wanna talk about it?” Addy asks before popping a carrot stick in her mouth.

I shake my head. “Nah.” And then a second later, I blurt out, “I just don’t get some people, you know?”

It comes out more forcefully than intended and they share an amused look.

“A certain ‘people’ or just everyone in general?” Addie asks.

“Never mind,” I say. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

The silence lasts for all of five seconds before I lose control of my mouth again. “I try to do something nice, you know? And it was nice. I did something nice.”

Addie tilts her head to the side, her gaze a little worried like I’ve totally lost it. Because…maybe I have.

But Vince just nods. “The ring?”


His lips twitch with amusement. “I was wondering when you’d tattle on whoever actually took it.”

I frown at that. “I’m not about to throw her under the bus, I just—”

“Her?” Addie’s brows arch. “And wait…somebody actually did take it? And you didn’t take it to make Vince look bad?”

Vince and I both stare at her.

She turns to Vince with a furrowed brow. “Did you know that already?”

“I guessed,” he said.

“Oh.” She commences nibbling on a carrot stick. “Sorry. Go on.”