I stop the memories in their tracks. There’d be time to deal with Leo later.

“Well, luckily for me you’re a terrible liar.” I cast April a small, pitying smile. “I didn’t fall for your pathetic attempt at a prank.”

“But…” I see April’s confusion. Shane or one of the other guys there must have told her how the ring went missing.

If they did, then they’d told her about Leo too.

I lean forward and drop my voice. “Some of us were actually working, planning for a future at college rather than playing childish games.”

She blinks, her lips parting.

I sit back with a smug smile that I know will drive her nuts.

“It was just a joke,” April says again.

“It’s not me you should apologize to,” I say. Even though she wasn’t apologizing.

Her face goes pale.

I don’t expound. Let her take that for whatever it’s worth. Maybe she thinks I mean Leo. Maybe she thinks I mean his grandmother.

I take a bite of my orange and turn to Cora right as Leo and his crew head our way. “So, how was your little girls’ night this weekend?”

Cora is a good minion. She knows who has the power right now and she swings over to my side with alarming ease. “Boring,” she drawls, rolling her eyes and ignoring April’s scowl that calls her out as a traitor.

“I bet,” I say as I swipe my hands together.

The guys are upon us before April can respond and the tense atmosphere is replaced by too-loud male voices and Leo.

Leo just…being Leo. He’s not loud but his very presence is commanding. He doesn’t have to do anything to annoy me, but right now it’s worse than ever because I can’t ignore him.

I mean, I do. I try to. I don’t meet his gaze, no matter that I can feel his eyes on me. I don’t answer when he asks the group at large about their weekend.

I don’t want to be here. That’s all I keep thinking. And with every second that Leo’s eyes are on me, that feeling just grows and grows and grows.

“...right, Savannah?” Leo’s voice has my head jerking up.

Everyone’s staring at me, but it’s Leo’s eyes that hold me fixed in place. Ugh, why does he have to be so handsome all the time without even trying? He is the worst.

I arch my brows. “What?”

“You weren’t listening to a word I said, were you?”

Everyone’s watching us. Like always. The king and queen, Callie called us? More like mom and dad.

And today mommy and daddy would be bickering because Leo just can’t stand to be ignored.

“I was trying not to,” I say. “You enjoy hearing yourself talk enough for all of us.”

He smirks. His friends chuckle. Out of the corner of my eye I catch April eyeing both of us warily.

I should be taking more pleasure out of watching her squirm. I know she’s terrified that I’d badmouthed her to Leo. For the life of her, she can’t figure out why he’d claimed to have taken the ring.

Join the club.I still don’t get it either.

But as he finally turns his attention away from me to answer something his buddy from the team said, I let out a long exhale.

I didn’t want to be here before, but with Leo here it’s so much worse. I feel naked. Exposed.