She turns back to me with wide eyes. “What?”
I hold my hands up in defense, my gut sinking at her look of horror. Like when she’d thought she’d have to kiss me.
But I regain some confidence when I remember what Callie said. Maybe her horror isn’t so much because I am me, but because she’s not nearly as worldly and experienced as she’s led us all to believe.
Or…or maybe she truly does hate me.
But my heart is thumping and even though I know it’s nuts, I also know I want this. I want to get to know Savannah. Outside of school. And preferably not while wearing a Prince Charming costume.
Also…I really do want to erase that look of disappointment from my mom’s eyes.
“Look,” I say, trying to sound as reasonable as I can. “My mom is watching me like a hawk. She thinks I took that ring as a prank and that basically makes me her worst nightmare…a spoiled brat.”
“And you're not?” She arches a brow in challenge.
“Maybe I am,” I admit. I’ve never been one to lie to myself. “But I'm not that bad.”
When both of her brows arch in disbelief, I roll my eyes.
“You're not the only one with an image, you know. I’m not as arrogant and entitled as I might act, just like you’re not the diva everyone thinks you are.”
She looks away. She knows I’m onto her now. But I wish she’d look at me.
After a second, she sighs loudly. She sounds like the Savannah I’ve always known and tolerated.
“So…what? You want to bring the poor girl along to prove a point to your mom?”
I flinch at her bitter tone. “I want to bring the hard-working polite young lady my mom thinks can do no wrong.”
She glances over to gauge my honesty.
I widen my eyes. “My mom thinks you’re the epitome of a morally superior, responsible high schooler. I could use that.”
She purses her lips and holds my gaze for a long heartbeat before finally sighing again. “Okay. Fine.”
She’s already reaching for the door handle.
“Okay,” I repeat as I watch her get out. “Fine.”
She doesn’t look back, just throws a hand up in a wave as she walks away.
I sit there and watch her head into her home, a slow, triumphant smile spreading across my face.
I may not have broken down that wall of ice.
But I still call this a win.