

Seriously? Oh?

I tug at the collar of this ugly, ridiculous costume and all the anger I’d thought I’d gotten over comes back in a flash.

Honestly, would it be so hard to say sorry? Or better yet, thank you?

Apparently so, because Savannah is outright ignoring me now as she and Mrs. Messner have a back and forth about who’s going to train me today.

“But Willow knows all the rules by heart,” Savannah’s saying.

Savannah’s not arguing. And I will admit that as I watch her debate, she’s oddly respectful. Way less of a haughty tyrant than usual.

“Yes, but you’ve been with us the longest,” Mrs. Messner shoots back, and it’s instantly obvious who’s going to win because Mrs. Messner is already turning away to finish zipping Callie’s gown.

I see Savannah open her mouth to argue, but she clearly sees that it’s useless as well, so instead she shoots me an inexplicable glare. “Fine.”

Like it’s my fault she’s stuck training me.

As if I want to be here in the first place.

Mrs. Messner straightens, her eyes widening with excitement. “Ooh, I know! It’s been ages since we’ve had a male who can fit into the Prince Charming costume. Maybe we should give him a Cinderella and do the routine—”

“No!” Savannah’s interruption is so loud we’re all staring at her. She wets her lips and adds, “I mean, it’s his first day, you know? Maybe we should ease him into it.”

Mrs. Messner nods easily in agreement but I don’t miss the snicker and shared grin between Callie and Willow. I’m dying to ask them what that was all about but the scene in this little room quickly turns chaotic as they finalize the plans and load up a big van with supplies.

“I’ll drop you off,” Mrs. Messner says. “But I have a meeting with a new client later. I’ll have Maverick pick up the supplies, but will you be all right getting home?”

It turns out Willow and Callie can walk from the party, so all eyes are on Savannah who looks pained.

“I can give you a ride,” I say.

Mrs. Messner beams at me.

“No.” Savannah’s tone is crisp again. I swear she could slice and dice with that sharp voice of hers. “That’s not necessary.”

Callie and Willow are looking at each other again, and I’m clearly missing something. Again.

Savannah turns to Callie. “Could Maverick pick us up?”

She shakes her head with a wince. “Sorry, his family thing is out of town.” At Savannah’s expression, she quickly adds, “But let me ask—”

“That’s really not necessary,” I say.

They all ignore me. Willow’s pulling out her phone. “Let me see if Roman’s free.”

“Thanks.” Savannah’s tone is soft and there’s a hint of relief.

I seriously don’t know how much more offended I can get at this point. I’m seriously standing right here offering a ride. And she’s thanking Willow for making a call when she can’t summon a thank you to the guy who saved her thieving butt.

“Don’t call Roman,” I say.

All eyes are on me. Willow’s are wide with surprise—probably over the fact that I’d just snapped at her. Savannah’s lips are pressed together in that scowl I’m so familiar with.

“Don’t tell Willow what to do.”