Page 4 of Black

Ann reached over, taking Kickstand's hand. "Do you have a girlfriend, Kickstand?" she purred at him.

What the fuck? Why would she ask that?

"Nope, I can't seem to find one. What about you? I'm sure you have lots of guys wanting to date you," Kickstand said, flirting with Ann.

Sighing, she said, "No, it seems most men want something easy that they don't have to work for; it’s just a given. I'm afraid they just can't handle me, so sticking with easy is what they do, not being real men and all." Ann looked over, smirking at me.

I got the insult she directed at me, insinuating I stuck with club girls because I wasn't man enough to get pussy outside the club. Two could play that game. Before Kickstand could reply, I said, "Or maybe those same men just don't want to handle you, maybe you're too much work, it's better to have a real woman who knows how to please a man, easy or not," I said loud enough for her to hear.

Kickstand was confused about what was happening, looking between us—Lexi and Reader alert and watching.

Ann stood and looked at Kickstand with a sly smile, never one to back down. "Typical answer of an immature man used to easy. What do you think, Kickstand?" running her hands down her body. "Would you take a chance and try and handle me? Would I be worth it to you?" She said, her voice husky, her whisky eyes soft as she looked at Kickstand.

Fuck, she didn't play fair. Kickstand would give his left nut to be with her.

Kickstand wasted no time answering, "You bet I would, Ann. You would be worth the effort it took to tame you. A real man wouldn't be afraid to try," he said, gazing at her.

"That's what I thought. I knew you were different. Why don't we go dance," Ann said, taking his hand and pulling him behind her. Kickstand following like an obedient puppy.

Feeling pissed at her flirting with Kickstand and showing him a side she never showed me, I shoved Lexi up and headed outside. I needed air. Why I let her get under my skin, I don't know, but she does. Ann is the exact kind of woman I avoid. She is spoiled and thinks she's better; growing up poor as I did back in West Virginia, I learned to avoid snotty bitches who look down their noses at folks with less than they had.

I had been successful until Ann Foster, she got to me, and I didn't know what to do to make it stop. She got under my skin, and I let her. I should just ignore her, pretend she doesn't exist. But I've tried to do that but find myself still watching her, still reacting to the barbs and jabs she throws at me.

"What was that all about?" Reader came to lean beside me on the building.

"Nothin' Ann likes to start shit with me, is all."

Reader chuckled, "Looked like Ann wasn't the only one starting shit."

"With someone like Ann, you can't let her run over you, or she will like she did with Kickstand," I insisted, remembering how Kickstand followed her like a good little puppy.

"Well, to be fair, Ann is a beautiful woman, especially when she's not being uptight," Reader said.

"Then why don't you take a shot at her?" I snapped. For some reason irritated that he noticed how pretty she was.

Shrugging his shoulders, "She's not my type, and I'm not in the market for a girlfriend."

"What is your type? You don't seem interested in what's available here, almost like your dick is already locked down," I mocked. Reader never slept with the club women, and if he slept around, I never saw it.

Moving away from the wall, he gave me a deadpan look, his brown eyes serious. "My life doesn't revolve around getting my dick wet, and I date when I feel the need for companionship, I just don't feel the need to sleep around. I better get back to the party," Reader said, heading to the back of the clubhouse.

Okay, I hit a nerve with Reader. I didn't mean to, and he was one hell of a nice guy and a brother who had your back even at twenty-three. I will apologize to him later. Right now, I suppose I should also get back to the party.

And forget about Ann Foster.


I SHOULDN'Thave let it bug me, seeing Black with that club girl. But it did, and I let him bait me.

Stupid jerk.

Of all the men in the world, why does it have to be him that draws my attention? So when I went in with Kickstand to have a drink inside, I knew instantly he was in the room. I could sense his presence, he was like a magnet, and I could feel those gold eyes on me as I sat down at the table next to Kickstand.


I never thought I would meet anyone from the club that I had things in common with, but as I talked to Kickstand outside, I realized we both had a love of numbers and math. In addition, he was very interested in my job as a financial adviser and wanted my opinion on some stocks he was thinking of buying. The way he talked, he had quite the portfolio. So we decided to come inside and have a drink to discuss it some more. I felt safe with Kickstand because I felt no attraction toward him, and he wasn't doing anything to make me uncomfortable.

That is until Black ruined it.