Page 18 of Midnight Rose

He takes his time and doesn't try to play or cop a feel at any point. Neither of us talks. He simply washes me, empties, and refills the water as needed, so I don't have to lift a finger.

When he goes to stand, I hold his hand to keep him in place. I want to enjoy the water a little longer because I know I will have to talk when we get out, and I want to stay in this bubble just a little longer. He wraps his arms around me and holds me until the water turns cold again, and we finally have to get out.

He helps me from the tub and dries me off with a warm towel before he turns to dry himself off. While he gets dressed, I walk to the closet and slip on a tank top and sleep shorts.

"Are you okay?" he finally asks, breaking the silence.

"Is it true you went to my dad and demanded me by making all sorts of threats?" I ask, having to know the truth.

Chapter 16


This is not the time I wanted to have this conversation, but I won't put her off either. After everything she's been through, if this is what she wants to talk about, then this is what we will talk about.


It's all I have to say because I'm sure explaining myself will only make it worse.

She turns to walk out their door, and I panic; I can't let her walk away from me. So, I move faster and block the door.

"Yes, but it was the only way. Your dad had you set to marry into the family that kidnapped you today. It's why you were locked away, per their conditions."

I give her a moment to process it, as the shock is evident on her face. She turns and sits on the sofa in the seating area by the window, and I join her.

"Knowing you were miserable, I came up with the plan. I set it up so you could go to college, but the conditions were mine. You stayed local, and I'd get to watch over you. I was going to let you get settled in, relax, and enjoy your freedom before I showed up again. But I was watching every day."

"The roses." She whispers, and I nod.

That night the couple showed up in your room, I was watching, and you just happened to run by me. It was then my hand was forced. My entire plan went out the window. Even though I always hoped you felt the same way I did, I wasn’t sure. So I was determined to make you fall for me on our trips."

"And if I didn't?" she asks, raising her chin in determination.

Of course, if she didn’t, I'd have wanted to toss her over my shoulder and chain her to the bed and love her body. Keep her in an orgasm-fueled state, so she never had the strength to leave me until she felt the same.

But in reality, I know in my heart what I'd do.

"It would have killed me, but I'd have let you go. Though I would have still watched your every move and protected you, I'd have let you go. All I have ever wanted was for you to be happy. That will never change, as my life’s goal is to keep you safe and happy."

As she stands and moves to look out the window, she doesn’t say anything. I stay rooted in my seat, watching her, waiting for her to speak, to let me know we are okay or that we will be okay.

"I need to think, and I'd like to be alone tonight." She says without looking back at me, so she doesn't see how her words rip out my heart.

"Okay. I will stay in the guest room next door, and I'll post a man in the hallway and a few outside. You will be safe, but let me know if you need anything, no matter how small." I tell her as I stand.

Then I turn quickly, trying to regain my composure and go into the hall, closing the door behind me. The last thing I want to do tonight is leave her alone, but if that is what she needs, I will give it to her.

Heading to the room I told her I'd be in, I start firing off orders on my phone to make sure my men are watching over her and for some food and water to be sent up to her room.

As I get ready for bed, it all feels wrong. I've gotten so used to her being in the room with me and even in my bed that I'm awake long after I should have been asleep.

Instead of sleeping, I am making plans in case she wants out. How will I protect her, or anyway I can convince her to give me another chance?

After checking that everything is okay and all is quiet on the estate, I begin to relax enough to get some sleep.

That is until my door creaks open.

Chapter 17