That's the reason I decided to meet my mother today for some shopping and lunch. As I’m waiting for her at one of her favorite stores, I can't keep my mind off the past few days on the island.
We barely got dressed, and we didn't leave the house on the first day. On the second day, we actually got out and explored the island, which was complete with a waterfall. Of course, Orlando never does anything halfway, so if there wasn't a waterfall, I think I would have been more shocked.
Taking a picnic by the waterfall, we talked and laughed and let our guard down in the sun. Our picnic ended with a swim and the most amazing sex under the waterfall. Orlando's lack of experience did not translate to a lack of skill. He has learned my body and isn't afraid to let me know it.
A throat clears, shaking me from my daydream. I look up to find my mother watching me.
"Sorry, Mother, my head was elsewhere."
"Well, that's easy to see. Are we going to go shopping or not?"
Standing, I follow my mother into one store and then another. It’s easy to see that something is off, but I don't want to ruin a perfectly good day. By the time we sit down for lunch, I can't bite my tongue any longer.
"I can tell something is wrong."
My mother doesn't say anything at first. Then she stares at me like she's debating if she can trust me or if she's even able to tell me.
"I just don't trust this, Orlando."
I guess that doesn't surprise me. Why else keep him away all these years? But does it really matter if my mom trusts him as long as I do?
"Why don't you trust him, Mother? What did he ever do?"
"He’s a new family and just doesn't understand the way things are done. He marched into your father's office and demanded that you were his. When your father informed him you were already promised to another, he made so many threats and even blackmailed your father into breaking off your engagement and signing you over to him."
Sitting there in shock, I don’t say anything. Our food arrives, and Mom doesn't say much more as we eat and then head our separate ways. I instruct my driver to take me right to my father's house because I have to know if it's true. There has to be more to the story because that just doesn't sound like the Orlando I have grown to know.
Arriving at my childhood home, all the guards recognize me, and the gates open. Then my doors are opened, and without a word being spoken, I'm taken right to my father's office. Instead of being stopped and told that he's busy like normal, I'm able to walk right in.
When my father looks up and sees that it's me, a look of shock crosses his face.
"What can I do for you, Ruby?" He asks, his voice flat.
Then I relay what my mother told me at lunch.
"Is it true?"
"Your mother has told you the much cleaner version, but yes, it's true. Though it's put us in a very difficult situation with a very old family."
"So, it's because of Orlando that I was able to go to college?"
"You didn't think I would let you do something like that, did you? Of course, that was all him," he says in complete disgust.
"What did he threaten you with?"
"That is not really any of your business, but let's just say it would have been a total ruin for the family."
Standing there, I nod in disbelief. I don't say another word before turning around and heading out of the house.
On my way to the car, I'm so lost inside my head I don't notice anything is amiss until a cloth has been thrown over my head. A moment later, my whole world goes dark.
Chapter 14
I'm sitting in a boring meeting going over numbers when my phone rings. When I see it's the head of Ruby's security, I stop everything.