I lay with my head on Orlando's shoulder and his arm wrapped around me, we both watch the fishes go by. What a show we probably gave them.
"I was thinking. Would you let me plan the next trip? I have someplace special I'd like to take you."
He sounds so open and raw and vulnerable right now, so I know in my gut that whatever he wants to show me is important.
"I'd like that," I agree.
We don't get out of bed for the rest of the night, and we don't leave the hotel room for very long other than to explore the resort for the next few days. Orlando doesn't leave my side, not that he really did to begin with. Now I don't even get to shower or bathe alone, and I really don’t mind.
I can't wait to see what our next trip has in store, but I can't get rid of this nagging feeling in the back of my head saying that people like us don't get our happily ever after.
Chapter 12
I'm much more nervous about this trip than I thought I would be. I know Ruby will love it, but I always worry that maybe she won't. We just landed on the private island I bought for her many years ago.
We had to take a few flights to get out here, including the seaplane, because it's so secluded. But it still has every amenity that she could want. I built the most stunning house that's open to nature and has the most amazing views of the beach and the water.
As we walk up the path, she hasn't said anything. In a minute, she will have a wide view of the house and its surroundings. But with every step we take, my nerves amp up just a little until the house comes into view.
"What do you think?" I ask.
"It's beautiful! Who knew places like this even existed?" she says with a huge smile lighting up her face.
"No one really knows it exists since I own the island, and I built this house, particularly with you in mind." I wasn't going to admit it, but something about standing around her has me admitting things I normally wouldn't.
"For me? You can't be serious." She tries to dismiss it.
"I wasn't lying when I said it's always been you. Everything I have done has been for you and to make sure that you are happy and healthy and taken care of."
She stops on the front porch and stares at me like I had told her the grass is red and not green. Then she looks back at the house and gives her head a little shake. But when she takes a step toward the door, in no time flat, I pick her up into my arms, and she lets out a little shriek.
"You’re crazy if you think the first time you step through these doors, I'm not going to carry you over the threshold. Especially after everything we've shared in the last week."
I do just that, but I don't put her down once we're inside. I stop and let her take a look around before heading right to the kitchen and setting her on the kitchen counter.
Waiting for us is a plate with cheese and crackers. Since I know it's been a little while since she has eaten, I make up several small sandwiches just the way she likes them and hand them to her.
"Thank you." She offers me a soft smile before she scarfs the food down. After eating four of the small sandwiches, she tells me that she's had enough.
When I go to pick her up again, she stops me.
"But I thought you'd like to see the rest of the house."
She gives me the smile that I've learned means she has something else entirely on her mind and wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me into her.
"Eventually, but right now, I think I want more time in the kitchen." She runs her hands under my shirt, and the contact of her skin on mine has me instantly hard. "Besides, this counter seems like the perfect height to... play."
"Fuck," I curse under my breath and whip off my shirt, giving her full access to me. I check to make sure the guards have left the room like they know to do.
I love her hands on me, and even now, her fingers playing with me go straight to my cock.
She isn't wrong. This counter is the perfect height for me to take her on, and that wasn't by accident either.
I push her skirt up, knowing she isn't wearing panties just like I told her not to, so my hand makes contact with her soaking wet center. When she gasps, her head falls back, and her long red hair pools on the counter behind her.
Slowly, I let my fingers explore her while avoiding the areas I know she wants me, the areas that will drive her crazy. I pull her tank top down, exposing her round breasts and already hard nipples.