“Well no because we don’t know the gender yet. We can wait until the little nugget is born and then decide,” I tell her glancing over at the corner of the room that Jace made up special for the baby in pale yellow with all white furnishings and everything a baby could possibly need.
I cried for an hour sitting in the rocking chair with one of the little yellow onesies sitting on my stomach. It was just so precious and Jace did it all for me and the nugget with a little help from Dar with assembly and shopping. Just made everything so much more real and special.
“Girl they got you all hooked up,” Ruby says following my gaze. “When I was pregnant with the twins my mate couldn’t put shit together, I had to do it while he read the instructions,” she says smiling fondly. I never met her lion mate but I know she loved him more than anything.
“Oh I’m having twins! Snow owl shifters to be exact,” Franny comments excitedly.
“Girl, I can't imagine two babies that can fly. My girls are lions and chasing them was a damn challenge,” Ruby tells her with a dramatic sigh.
“Oh yeah Tanner has already started freaking out. He decided we’ll have to put up netting so they can’t fly high and pad all the floors in case they fall. He’s my human mate so he doesn’t get they won’t be birds for a few years,” she says and I can’t help but laugh envisioning that in a house.
“My son Max when he was little I made him wear a diaper when he shifted because the little brat would just lift his leg and pee on everything, wolf shifters I tell you,” Dell says with a sigh.
“Litter box with sand,” Ruby raises her hand in admission. “They’re old enough now that they know to shift back when they need to use the bathroom but I still keep it around for emergencies.”
“I’m worried about owl babies and finding droppings everywhere, I mean Ivan himself is constantly wanting to shit on people and he’s a mostly grown ass man,” Franny comments.
“That’s fucking funny though!” Mila hoots, and the gleam in her eye tells me if her and Ivan became friends everyone is getting shit on.
“I tell him no, and what does he do but get the neighborhood birds to do it for him. Such a bad influence, my little egglets are sunk with those genes,” Franny tells us, bringing the palm of her hand to her forehead.
“Ladies it’s just about time for Jade’s nap, any way we can get a snuggle with our mate?” Bellamy asks, popping his head in the room.
I’m about to tell him I’m fine but a big yawn forces it’s way from my lips. The girls all sigh with smiles on their faces and lumber off the bed towards the door taking the junk food with them.
“You better take care of her or I’ll light all your asses on fire,” Ruby threatens before leaving the room.
“Your friends are so nice, each one of them has threatened me at least once today,” he tells me before crawling up on the bed and pulling me into his arms.
“The others will be up in a bit, just rest, beautiful,” he whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and then let it out, my body melts into the mattress and I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Not only because I’m in the arms of a man that I love, but also because I’m just happy.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Oh fuck,” Silas groans as Jace sucks him off in the office. All the visitors are either tucked in their rooms or gone for the day so there’s no need to worry about anyone dropping in while we’re busy.
Jade and Bellamy are sleeping but with everything going on Silas looked like he was about to climb the walls so Jace pushed him into a chair and dropped to his knees. Seems the Beta knows exactly what our Alpha wolf needs to calm down.
I thought about leaving them to it, but we’re family so getting comfortable with each other is something that we’ll have to work on. This is a small start just observing. The three wolves are used to each other, hell they’re best friends and for some reason that makes me feel a bit like an outsider.
Kitten loves me, there’s no doubt in my mind about that, and I love her more than life itself. But we’re now a family with these wolves which means letting other people in. Jade has done that easily though I’m sure the bond helps. I’m struggling.
I’ve always been on my own, except when I found Jade. Other than that, Vikrim was my friend but we didn’t spend much time together. I lived like a nomad traveling and exploring the world until there was nothing left to explore. I always thought I’d someday get to show kitten some things I thought she might like, but here we are setting down permanent roots with an entire pack of wolves.
It’s not like I have anything against wolves but this isn’t exactly how I saw my life with Jade going. Honestly I couldn’t be more happy about the baby, that’s something I could never give her and now she can have as many as she likes. My role as protector and lover though has become much smaller.
“What’s wrong Dar?” Silas asks, bringing me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even notice he and Jace had finished.
“Nothing for you to worry about,” I say, not sure how to broach the subject without sounding like a whiny bitch, as Mila would say.
“No there’s definitely something wrong, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look…lost I guess is the word I’m looking for,” Jace says, getting up from the floor and sitting next to Silas on the couch.
“I’m not sure how I fit into our ‘new family’. She doesn’t need me to protect her now and the three of you are so close. I guess I do feel a little lost,” I say, feeling like an idiot for even being upset. “Nevermind it’s silly, we have bigger things—”
“No. The only way that our new mate group works is if we communicate with each other. Jace isn’t really big on sharing his feelings either, but this is something that we have to do. Because if one of us is lost all of us are lost and Jade needs us all,” Silas tells me his wisdom as an Alpha showing through.
“I don’t want to be a bother, we have more pressing matters,” I tell them.