Sitting around the kitchen the five of us talk about different things and just get to know each other a little better. I learned that Bellamy was a Marine and Jace came from a family of Alpha’s born the only Beta. Silas I already knew a lot about him from our time in the cage but I learned that he inherited this pack from his father.
I also learned a bit about their food choices. Turns out Jace had a stash of dill pickle chips, Bellamy a couple tubs of chocolate ice cream and of course Silas and his dino nuggets to round out the meal. It’s strange, even the small things like food fit me so well.
Darius is quiet as he watches us interact and I keep checking the bond to make sure he’s okay, but every time all I feel is love and happiness from him. Bellamy keeps giving him odd looks when he thinks none of us are paying attention and it has me wondering just what happened between them when I sent Dar after him earlier.
“So you knew Dell before she was a badass?” Jace comments, and I can’t help but smile. My memories of Delly are some of the best I have, they kept me going when things would get really bad and I was alone.
“Yeah she was always tiny and feisty, but she used to be blonde and also sweet too,” I tell them, laughing when they all look shocked.
“I honestly cant picture her any other way than she is now, which is scary as fuck,” Jace says with an almost uncomfortable chuckle.
“I used to be faster and stronger than her when we were young but I highly doubt I can keep up with her now, though if it came to swinging on a pole I might stand a chance,” I joke, bringing up my job to see their reactions. I know that Darius doesn’t care since that’s how we met and he knows it makes me happy, but I’m not sure how the Alpha and Betas might feel.
“Can I just make one request about your job?” Bellamy asks hesitantly, immediately my hackles go up but Darius steps up behind my stool, pressing his body against mine and sending calm through our bond.
“Just hear him out kitten,” he whispers in my ear, though I know they all can hear him just fine.
“Alright,” I say, and wait for him to say something that will piss me off.
“I just was wondering if you can wait until after the baby is born and the witches are dealt with to go back, and when you do go back if you would let one of us take you to and from work,” he requests, and any anger I might have had dissipates.
“Actually that sounds like the best idea under the circumstances. The Pretty Kitty doesn't allow pregnant strippers anyway, but I’m sure I can get my spot back when this is all over,” I tell them and they all smile and nod, it surprises me.
“We don’t want to change who you are or what makes you happy little mate, we just want to love you and be there for you and our child,” Silas says, and I find myself tearing up once again.
“Hormones will get you every time they say something sweet like that,” a female voice I don’t recognize comments from behind me.
Everyone but Bellamy freezes, and I turn slowly to see who the newcomer is just as Bell pulls a handsome dark-haired guy into a hug! My eyes don’t stay on the two men for long as I look over the rest of the group. A small dark red-haired woman wearing a short hot pink plaid skirt and a lime green sweatshirt, on one side of her is a slender tall white-haired shifter of some kind wearing jeans and a hoodie and on the other side is a giant green man wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt he looks like he might burst out of.
Getting up from my stool I walk over to who must have come to help me; even as I hear growls behind me; and stick out my hand.
“I’m Jade,” I introduce myself.
“I’m Franny, this is Ivan,” she says pointing to the white-haired man. “This is Renzo.” She points to the big green man who smiles at me. “And that one molesting your mate is Tanner,” she comments before taking my hand and shaking it. I feel a weird current flow through me for a moment and it makes me light-headed.
“I’ve got you kitten,” Darius says, coming up behind me and putting his hands on my hips to keep me steady.
“Fuck, it’s worse than I thought,” Franny growls when she lets go of my hand.
“Is my baby okay?” I ask, feeling on the verge of crying.
I just need my baby to be okay.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, yes your baby is fine. Can we sit somewhere comfortable? I have a lot to say and I’m tired easily these days,” she comments, lifting her shirt so that we all see she has a bump similar to mine under her shirt.
“Franny tired, Renzo carry,” the big guy comments, his english is broken and his voice deep but he sweetly picks up Franny and cradles her to his chest and I think that’s all you need to see to know that Renzo is a sweetheart.
“There’s plenty of room in the office for everyone, and it’s sound proof,” Silas suggests coming over and scooping me up before heading towards the office.
“You know I can walk Silas,” I say under my breath.
“I know that, but I can’t be shown up in my own home,” he says and the smile tells me he knows he’s being ridiculous but the contentment I feel through the bond just having me in his arms, has me curling into him and letting it go.
We all pile into the office and Bellamy and Jace arrange all the chairs and the couch in a circle so that we can all see each other. For a moment I wonder where Vikrim, Dell, and Alec took off to, but as I look over at Darius he’s looking down at his phone.
“Dell and Alec went home to check on Scarlett and their family and will be back tomorrow morning, and Vikrim went to check on Ruby and the cubs,” he says before putting his phone in his pocket and coming over to sit in a chair next to the one I’m sitting in with Silas.
Everyone else spreads out in the rest of the chairs and Franny and Ivan take the couch with Tanner while Renzo sits on the floor by her legs. It’s kind of ridiculous, it looks like two royal courts meeting.