Page 11 of Found: Denver Alpha

“You know I was pissed at you for being reckless having her out so late but the smile on her face just changed my mind,” he says, picking her up and carrying her inside.

Well at least that’s one less person mad at me, I’m sure I’ll catch some flack from both Silas and Bell for going to see Jade. There were a few reasons that I had to do it though. For one thing Scarlett really did want to see the girls, being stuck in the pack house with unfamiliar people wasn’t that great for her especially with Silas being out of commission.

Silas and his depression were another reason to go talk to her to see if I could reason with her to see him. Also I kind of wanted to check out the woman that had everyone all twisted up. Was she worth all the heartache? As soon as I laid eyes on her I knew the answer was yes. Not only because she’s stunning but she had a sweetness about her when she smiled.

Knowing that she’s my mate too, it’s a mix of emotions really. I’m glad that I won’t have to be separated from my best friends and left out in the cold, but now I’m stuck feeling the same pain and rejection as them. It’s a good thing that I grew up hiding my pain from my family so I don’t add to anyone else's.

Heading into the office after Sam, I’m surprised to see more new faces occupying the space with Dell and Alec. Bell and Silas must still be upstairs.

“Oh there she is,” Alec says, actually sounding really excited to meet Scarlett. “My mate can’t stop talking about the special little girl that he met, that has to be you right?” he asks her and the little witch nods her head slowly.

“Well I’m Alec, this is my sister Delphina, and two of her mates Tag and Doc,” he explains pointing first to the red head and then to the man holding Dell’s hand with brown hair and a kind smile.

“Hey Dell, are you feeling better today?” I ask, trying to be nice.

“A little bit, Jace, thanks. It was just such a shock to see her after all this time,” she explains and I just nod in response.

“Nice to meet you Tag and Doc is it?” I say walking over and shaking each of their hands. They both give me a nod of respect but other than that don’t say anything. Everyone in the room keeps their attention on the trio smiling over on the couch. Alec and Sam are on opposite sides of Scarlett while she signs slowly to Sam.

They really do make a cute picture.

“So Scar, what did you think of your first hurricane?” I ask and she looks over at me and smiles before giving me a huge thumbs up.

“She says she loves it and you,” Sam tells me after he watches Scarlett sign for a few seconds. He seems both happy and unhappy about that statement and I’m not sure why.

“Aww I love you too kid and just remember what happens in the car stays in the car,” I say with a wink and she silently giggles at me, reminding me that she has a curse she needs fixed.

“Do you think your Doc could take a look at the kid?” I ask Dell not sure how a supe doctor can heal a curse but at this point I’m willing to try anything for the little witch.

“That's the plan,” Dell confirms, nodding to her mate. Doc leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek making her smile before walking over and crouching down in front of the couch.

“So from what I heard you hear perfectly fine you just can’t make a sound,” he says gently, and Scarlett nods her head in confirmation. “Well I’m not a normal supe doctor, I’m actually something kind of rare called a Healer. Have you ever heard of that?”

“Holy shit,” I say under my breath, and Dell elbows me in the side.

“This is why we tell people he is a supe doctor, because his life would be in danger. So if you tell anyone what you learned here, I’ll kill you,” she says and all I can do is nod my head.

I’m still in shock about there still being a Healer in the world let alone one right here in the pack house. Has me wondering if he could do something for Silas and his problems.

“She says that they used to have a Healer at the coven but he died,” Sam tells us, interpreting Scarlett’s signs again.

“I’m going to place my hand on your throat but I promise I won’t hurt you, you might feel some tingles but that should be it,” Doc informs her before placing his hand gently around the child's neck and closing his eyes.

We all hold our breath and watch as seconds and then minutes go by with no reaction from either Scarlett or the Doc. Sam looks like he’s about ready to lose it like a momma bear but Scarlett passes out in his arms as soon as Doc lets go and sits on his ass hard on the floor.

“Is she okay?” Alec growls at Doc who is sitting on the floor panting and sweating from whatever exertion he put out.

“Just give him a second to catch his breath,” Dell tells her brother, going over and kneeling next to Doc with Tag on the other side.

I’m not sure what to do, so I just stand there like an idiot looking back and forth between the two groups hoping someone will explain what the hell is going on. Sam pulls Scarlett fully into his arms, laying her across his lap and he holds her tight, rocking her and mumbling things to her while patting her hair and kissing her forehead. Just seeing the display I know that if Scarlett would let him, Sam would love her like his own pup for the rest of his life.

“She’s just sleeping. I can’t lift the curse on her voice but I fixed anything else that might be wrong, she needs the rest to heal old injuries I fixed,” Doc says as Dell and Tag help him into Bell’s favorite club chair.

“That poor little witch has been through a lot, I’m not sure how she made it through everything that her body has been through. We should take her back with us and let her rest while the witches are still on the loose. Max would really love to have another kid around,” Doc suggests and they all turn to look at me.

“Honestly I think that’s a great idea since she bonded so quickly with Sam. I’m sure she’d be happy to go, and being around another kid instead of all of us crazy adults would be good for her. I’ll just have to check with Silas because he’s the Alpha but I really don’t think it will be a problem, you guys will keep her safe until all this is over,” I tell them and I see a few of them relax as if they thought I would say no.

Scarlett deserves a family and right now with everything going on, we’re more like a dumpster fire than anything.