Page 59 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Now is not the time, Vik,” she tells him sternly but I can see she’s at least a little interested.

“But there will be a time soon, preciosa,” he warns her, and Ruby shakes her head but a small smile plays on her lips just the same.

“Is that Ivan?” Tanner asks, looking up at the sky.

“That bastard! I’m plucking out all his feathers when this is over,” Franny states, sounding pissed.

The snow owl swoops down and lands on one of the cars, I expect him to shift back and tell us what the hell he’s doing here but instead the big ass bird just hoots and shits on Franny’s suv.

“Dammit Ivan!” Tanner shouts clearly frustrated with his pack mate, or however they refer to themselves.

“Shift back so you can tell us what you know you little weasel,” Franny demands, putting her hands on her hips. The wind blows her dark red hair in her face but she doesn’t even move to push it away.

The bird man is fucking toast.

“Sorry I didn’t want you all to go in blind and I’m the only one with wings,” he apologizes, shifting into human form. He’s naked which is to be expected, but damn is the dude pale, almost glow in the dark.

“Well tell us,” Tanner insists impatiently.

“I found Jade and the Mage in the same shed at the back of the house. The compound residents seem to be going about their business as if nothing happened so no one noticed when I slipped in and checked on them,” he says.

“Is she okay?” I ask, unable to help myself.

“Yeah, she seems okay. Though I couldn’t get too close since there was a spell on the cage. Her and Level; the Mage, are safe for now in the shed but it won’t last long,” he pauses. “We need to hurry,” he comments but there’s something in his eyes that tells me there’s more to it.

“What are you leaving out, Ivan?” I ask.

“I don’t want to worry you more but when I was leaving to come get you guys Jade’s water had just broken,” he says cautiously.

I’m shocked, all I can do is blink at him, he mistakes my fear filled paralysis with lack of knowledge and speaks again.

“Jade is having the baby.”

“Fuck! Let’s get moving people, there’s no way I’m letting those witches get their hands on my pup!” Silas shouts moving towards the forest with all of us hot on his heels.

Just hold on Jade.

Chapter Thirty-One


Pain, so much fucking pain rolls through my body as the next contraction takes my breath away.

“Just breathe through the pain,” Level tells me not for the first time. I’m not sure when the last time he pushed a person out of his vagina was, but breathe through the pain is terrible fucking advice. Still I don’t yell at him because it’s not his fault I’m going to have my nugget in a barn.

Those witches are the ones that deserve all of my wrath, and believe me, in labor or not if they come in here right now they’d feel it. I mean come on, they magically sped up the birth the least they could’ve done was make it painless too. Fuck.

As the contraction ends, I’m panting like a dog and sweating profusely. Still I haven’t allowed myself to scream out even through all the pain. I don’t want to alarm the witches and bring them out here. Giving my mates and new family time to rescue me is the best I can do right now. Even if all I want to do is scream, cry and cuss as loud as I possibly can.

“They’re getting closer together,” Level states.

“No shit,” I snark, but feel bad about it immediately. “Sorry.”

“No need to apologize, when my wife gave birth to our daughter she actually cursed me out many times and punched me in the face,” he tells me with a fond smile on his lips.

He’s going to get along great with Franny and her crew.

“Are you really going to go with Franny and Ivan when we get you out of here?” I ask, needing a distraction.