Page 54 of Found: Denver Alpha

“I can’t remember the last time someone touched me kindly,” he whispers.

Fuck. He’s breaking my heart.

“This won’t be the last time Level, my people will come and they’ll get us both out of here,” I tell him, his facial expression tells me he doesn’t really believe it, probably given up on the idea of rescue years ago but my family will come through.

“Tell me about yourself before you were captured,” I suggest needing something to pass the time.

“I had a family, a wife and daughter. We were happy. Tabby had just had her sixth birthday, when one night the Black Coven burst into our home, killed my wife and daughter and trapped me with these cuffs. I can’t do magic of my own, the chains tie me to the coven and they get all my power,” he explains even as tears fall freely from his eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” I tell him, using the sleeve of my shirt to wipe my own tears. This poor man has suffered way more than his share.

“It was ten years ago but I still hear their screams when I close my eyes,” he says.

A scream rings out in the distance, making me jump.

“See, there it is again.”

“No I heard that too, I’m pretty sure they’re torturing someone near by,” I tell him and he just nods his head.

“Yeah they’ve been doing that the last couple of days, must be someone they really don’t like,” he comments as if torturing someone because you don’t like them is perfectly normal behavior.

I have to get him out of here.

“Or perhaps someone they need information from. Any idea how I ended up here in the first place? Last thing I remember was falling asleep with one of my mates at the pack house,” I ask, wondering if maybe one of the witches had let something slip. A man chained up isn’t much of a threat to them, it’s possible they talk about all kinds of things in front of him forgetting he’s here.

“Hmm, let me think,” he pauses. “Well they brought you in and I remember something about them blocking your bonds and that they were going to induce the labor tomorrow if you don’t have the baby by tonight. Oh and they talked about how stupid and unprepared the wolves were,” he tells me, but my mind is racing about the fact they plan to try and take my baby out forcefully.

Isn’t it bad enough that they made my pregnancy a week long? Now apparently that’s still too long. For fuck sakes let the baby develop.

Now that Level mentions it I haven’t really thought about my bonds but as soon as I do I feel nothing. Maybe because they’re so new and I’m not used to them it’s why I didn’t even think about checking them. I’m sure the guys are panicking and having a shit fit about now.

Darius is probably threatening to tear everyone to shreds, unless it’s daylight. I can’t really tell in this barn it’s light-tight and our only source to see is a lantern in the corner. Though I don’t really need it due to my shifter sight, I’m sure Level does.

“It’ll be okay, we’ll be rescued soon. My mates won’t let me down,” I reassure him, he doesn’t say anything but the look he gives me tells me he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. That’s okay, I have enough faith in my mates for both of us.

Come on guys don’t let us down.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“I can’t believe she was taken right under our noses,” I sigh as we all gather in the office to plan out our attack. Well not all of us at the moment we’re missing Darius and Jace. Jace should be awake anytime now and I’m not looking forward to explaining to him that our mate is missing, Dar still has hours until sunset. Though when he passed out last night or early this morning he was pissed not only at the witches but the fact he had to sleep while we planned.

“There’s no way they could’ve known about all the defensive precautions we had in place unless someone told them,” Dell growls, pacing and spinning a dagger around in her hand making everyone around her except her brother very nervous.

“No one would have told them. It would’ve made us all vulnerable, even the children who live here. What kind of monster would do something like that knowing what the witches are capable of?” I reason but in the back of my mind it still feels like I’m missing something, something important.

“The only person that would have done that is Remy, but even then is he that cruel?” Bellamy suggests, his forehead still purple from whatever magical method they used to knock him out. If it’d been like a rock or something he would’ve healed by now, that’s how we know it was magical.

“When was the last time you saw the asshole?” I ask, and Bell thinks about it for a few moments before cursing under his breath.

“It’s been at least a few days,” he says with a sigh.

“For now we need to assume the witches have both Jade and Remy. We’ll have to figure out when we rescue them whether or not Remy was captured or volunteered to go with them,” I announce, heads nod but no one says anything.

“Basically we’re going in out gunned and with no clue what we’re walking into,” Alec says, but the spark in his eye tells me this crazy bastard is actually looking forward to the fight that might kill us all.

“What if Scarlett draws us a map of the compound and you have her send a picture that would at least give us an idea on where the Mage is, right?” I suggest and Alec immediately picks up his phone and dials, I assume Sam.