“Here’s the deal. Jade is our mate if you have a problem with that, there’s the fucking door,” he pauses pointing to the meeting room door, when no one moves to leave he continues. “She’s pregnant with our child so you’ll show her respect or pay the consequences. The vampire is also part of our mate group so if anyone gives him a hard time I’ll be the one handing out the ass kickings.”
Man he’s really sexy when he lays down the laws. Very different from when he’s flirty with me.
“And another thing, this pack, in the past, has been a bunch of assholes to people who are different and I personally have had enough. You will treat every person here with kindness and respect or you will be gone. Packs are family not fucking high school cliques grow the fuck up,” he says before coming back around the table and taking his seat.
“That even turned me on,” Darius whispers to Jace, making me giggle while the rest of the room sits stunned by Jace’s furious statements.
“I love our family,” I tell Jace, grabbing his hand in mine, not at all intimidated by his stern look in front of the pack.
“Now, let’s move on to what will be happening over the next few days in preparation for the baby, but also the witches and their retaliation. I’m sure you’ve noticed we have some friends staying on the top floor, please treat them with respect and do not dishonor our pack. They’ve come to lend us a hand so they deserve to be treated as honored guests,” Silas tells them, his tone much lighter than Jace’s but he still commands respect with his Alpha nature.
“Are any of them single?” Barbie asks, and I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
She would ask that wouldn’t she.
“Barbie, not everyone that comes to the pack house is looking for a date,” Mila comments, rolling her eyes.
“That’s easy for you to say, the buddy system is really cramping my dating life, I got paired up with my Aunt Edna,” she sneers.
“You think it’s a picnic being paired with your ungrateful ass,” Edna tosses back from across the room.
The meeting becomes a shouting match between Barbie and Edna to the point where they have to be held back from attacking one another. I’m seconds away from yelling ‘Jerry’, and really wishing that I had popcorn right now.
“Sorry about this,” Bellamy says clearly embarrassed by his pack's crazy behavior.
“What? This is great! Does this happen at every pack meeting? Because if so I think we need to get a popcorn machine in here,” I tell him, watching as Edna swings at her blonde bobblehead niece.
“Not specifically those two but usually someone. Wolves are kind of moody,” Bell says with a shrug.
“Definitely popcorn then,” I inform him, with a big grin.
Maybe living with a pack of wolves wouldn’t be so bad, even my cougar seems entertained by the fighting.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The next couple days are a rush and it’s to the point where I’m put on bed rest by Franny. She may not be a doctor but she knows what she’s doing more than me so I’m more than willing to listen. I spend my time watching the big screen and cuddling with one mate or another unless Dell and Franny come to visit and then the men are kicked to the curb.
“So the big green guy, he has a dick the size of my arm doesn’t he?” Mila asks, joining our girl time. We’re all sitting on the big bed with snacks and drinks between us, just relaxing. It’s not something I’ve ever done before but I imagine it’s what a slumber party would’ve been like as a teen. None of us had really ever experienced that so to have that now as grown women it’s fun.
“Mila!” I chide but Franny just shrugs.
“The first time we had sex it was going so good, I mean hitting every spot, until his stitches ripped out and his dick got stuck…inside of me. Ivan had to pull it out with pliers,” she tells us and her facial expressions make me laugh so hard I have tears running down my face.
“That’s fucking gold!” Mila hoots.
“I have six mates and one is a Water Elemental. So we were all out having a nice little orgy while we were camping. It’s all romantic under the stars and things are feeling good, until that jackass decides to play a ‘joke’ on all of us, and use ice dildos. Ruined the whole trip, we even went home early,” Dell tells us and my ass puckers thinking about an ice dildo going anywhere near my sensitive parts.
“So that is who Alec kept saying that I remind him of?” Mila asks, Dell nods her head in confirmation while eating a gummy worm.
“Well I might have a mouth on me with no filter, but even I’m not stupid enough to ruin an orgy with a prank,” Mila responds and I have to agree.
“But that’s not exactly true, is it Mila?” I tease thinking about the story I heard of her ending up here.
“I didn’t ruin that orgy the Alpha of my old pack did!” she defends.
“Okay, now I need to hear the story,” Franny replies and Dell nods in agreement.