“Have you guys ever seen Twilight?” I ask, biting my lip to keep from laughing as Silas pushes play.
This is going to be fun.
* * *
“Clearly the wolves are better,” Silas comments, waking me up. I think I fell asleep in the second movie.
“Come on Alpha, even I think the vampires are better. That one wolf can’t take no for an answer and he’s kind of whiny,” Jace comments, making me laugh.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I got them watching these movies but their reaction almost had me wetting myself last night a couple times.
“Did you make it through all of them?” I ask yawning and stretching.
“No, only the second one, but I’m firmly on team vampire even if he’s a bit of a stalker,” Jace tells me. It only makes me laugh because that’s kind of how Darius was with me in the beginning. The relentless part, not the breaking into my room wanting to eat me part.
“What time is it?”
“It’s only 2am kitten,” my very own vampire says, smiling at me from the other side of Jace.
“Oh still early then,” I comment feeling my bladder give the signal, I scoot over but then I realize I’m stuck.
“Darius,” I say and I don’t even have to finish and he has me off the bed with my toes on the carpet so I can rush into the bathroom.
I’m still naked from my shower and when I look down at my bump I try not to panic when I see once again it’s gotten larger. Only a few more days and our nugget will be here. It’s exciting and scary as fuck.
I can do this. I can be a good mom. I’m not alone either, we have each other. Our baby is going to be so loved.
The words help me calm down enough to go out and join the others again.
“Silas, can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” I ask, feeling the need to cover up. Maybe not a need like I’m embarrassed but I just want a comfort item I guess. Maybe that’s weird, but I’m pregnant so I’m blaming the baby.
He doesn’t even question it just gets off the bed still gloriously naked and grabs me a shirt from his closet. Even goes so far as to help me put it on before getting me back into bed.
“So do you want to watch the next one? And more snacks please,” I ask, refreshed after my nap.
“As you wish kitten,” Darius comments, zooming out of the room and coming back moments later with another full tray.
This is the good life.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Enjoy it while you can kitty cat.
I’d shooed my sisters away a while ago so I could enjoy the little show in peace. Who would have thought the Alpha and his little mate would be such a fun bunch? Perhaps it was hubris letting them get away, thinking there’s no way for them to escape our cages.
Little did we know little Scarlett, though she may not have a voice, had the courage to let them out and run away. If I wasn’t so pissed, I might actually be proud of my little niece for showing such backbone. As it is though when I get our little traitor back I’m going to make her life hell. A little lesson for thinking she could leave the coven.
No one leaves the Black Coven unless they’re dead or cast out like Elenora. The only reason I didn’t kill her is because she was my sister of blood and not just magic. She’s gotten even crazier than me over the years and it was her own fault she got herself killed by the Elders. I still felt the need for vengeance though which is what brought me to the Alpha.
Not only would taking him get me the vengeance I deserved but I had a little experiment of my own I wanted to try. No matter how many times we tried with Level the Mage we just couldn’t produce anything but witches. Nothing in the histories told me why that kept happening but after a while I began to lose hope of ever getting another Mage.
It was almost as if he could control it by his own magic, which infuriated me. But I couldn’t harm him past a certain point or we’d lose our energy source. We’re a powerful coven all on our own but with Level feeding us we’re unbeatable.
My next experiment came along when I heard about the assassin that killed my sister being half witch and half chameleon shifter. I’d never heard of such a combination. A hybrid so unique and built for one thing. Killing. I just had to see if I could make it happen.
My original plan of the Alpha and the Fire Elemental would have been an amazing sight. A flaming wolf running down the street, or at least that’s how I envisioned it. Powerful and unstoppable. The problem was the Alpha.