Page 40 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Are you using me to hide your lap?” I whisper in his ear, but of course all the supes in the room hear me and chuckle.

“Well, only because I want you so much it hurts,” he says smoothly, and my damn cougar purrs. She’s such a horny bitch for our mates. Honestly I don’t see a problem, but we’re just getting to know them and she’s showing all our cards.

“Damn, am I the only one she hasn’t purred for? I have to be doing something wrong,” Jace says thoughtfully, as he gets up and moves over to the desk. I feel bad for a moment, thinking he moved because he’s upset but he’s smiling as he pulls out a piece of paper and a pen and starts writing things down.

“Does anyone have any name ideas?” I ask instead of us all just staring at Jace while he writes things down. Apparently he doesn’t need any help from the rest of us. My cougar is quite impressed with his ability to take care of our cub.

Bellamy groans beneath me as a purr radiates out of my body and teases his already hard cock.

“What did he do to make you purr this time?” Jace asks with a frown on his face.

“That one was actually because you impressed my cougar with your knowledge on how to care for our cub,” I tell him, loving the smile coming over his handsome face for a moment but then he frowns once again.

“Hey that pervert is sucking up my purr!” he shouts, but doesn't make a move to get up. The others chuckle, including Bellamy, well until he groans again. His length is rubbing on me and I feel wetness between my legs.

“Beautiful, if you don’t want to mate today, then I’m gonna need you to stop purring,” he whispers in my ear, a small groan leaving his lips as I move on his lap.

“I think I’ve changed my mind.”

“Sorry guys, names will have to wait,” Bellamy says, picking me up as he rises from the couch and heading for the office door.

Maybe being a mate to four men won’t be that bad after all?

Chapter Twenty


Jade continues to purr as I carry her upstairs to Silas’ room, since it’s the one we’ll all be sharing from now on. Even Darius. I’m not sure how I feel about that but for now it can move to the back of my mind. I’m going to seal the bond with my mate and it’s the only thing I should be thinking about right now.

I’ve always dreamed of the day I’d have a mate and it was both exciting and terrifying. After what the vampires did to me, and my parents throwing me out, I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to protect my mate. Having three other mates though, meant that even though it’s my job not all of it fell solely on my shoulders. Sharing the responsibility, for some reason makes me more confident that as a group we can protect our mate and our pup.

“You know I think I could actually get used to being carried everywhere, especially when I get so big I won’t even want to think about walking up all those stairs,” Jade comments, smiling up at me as if I’m the best person in the world right now. I’m not, but coming from her I can almost feel it, if even for only a moment.

“I’ll carry you till the end of time, beautiful, if that’s what you want,” I tell her and I’m rewarded with another purr.

“You’re sweeter than I thought you’d be,” she says as we reach the room. Opening the door I step inside and quickly shut the door behind us. I walk over and set her gently on the big bed before replying to her comment.

“What do you mean sweeter than you thought?” I ask, curiously.

“This is going to sound so bad but I honestly don’t mean anything by it. When I first saw you, you looked a little rough around the edges, so I wasn’t sure what to expect,” she explains her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

“Honestly, I am a little rough around the edges but I think it has something to do with being a Marine years ago. Just can’t quite kick some of the habits,” I explain before pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it to the side. Pointing to my side I show her a scar even my wolf healing couldn’t get rid of still remains.

“This was from the last mission I was on before I finally hung up my boots. We were in a small village that had been under attack by rebels because of their support of us being there. Providing water and supplies when we passed through. This attack was well executed and my unit lost three men that day. Luckily all I got was this scar as a reminder. We were able to save the village in the end. But I heard six months after when Tanner and I left, the village was wiped out anyway. All the blood and damage and still those people died. Makes you wonder if it was even worth it,” I pause taking a deep breath and letting it out before continuing. “So I’m a little rough around the edges but I’ll love you with everything I am, and fight for you until my last breath leaves my body, if you can accept me for the messed up man that I am.”

Glancing at her, I see her eyes filled with tears, but I’m not sure if they’re happy or sad ones. Maybe a mix? I haven’t been around her enough to be able to read her facial expression yet, so I feel a little nervous when she just stares at me and doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. My palms sweat and I almost wish I hadn’t tossed my shirt to the side, my tiny mate makes me feel vulnerable.

“You’re such a good man, I don’t deserve you but I’m going to take you anyway, and I’ll try my best to cherish you for the wonderful person you are,” she finally says tossing the top I got her this morning to the side. She bares herself to me but it’s her words that actually touch my heart. Jade saw past everything I just told her, seeing the man that I am scars and all.

“Thank you. Now I’d very much like to make you mine,” I tell her, stripping the rest of my clothes off and tossing them off to the side.

“Yes, please,” she says before getting up and untying the too big bottoms, as soon as the knot is undone they fall to the ground and leave her naked before me.

“You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, stepping forward and putting my body flush against hers. I groan when I feel her body heat and the vibrations of her purr.

Gazing into her green eyes I run my hands along her shoulders and down her arms loving the goosebumps I leave behind pebbled on her skin. My dick is throbbing, rubbing up against her and I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to tease either of us.

“Mate,” she purrs the word, and my resistance snaps.