Her face is blotchy and red from her tears but at least she doesn’t look as beaten down as she did a few moments ago.
“You should know that Silas and one of his Betas Bellamy, I think it is, say that I’m their mate,” she says shyly.
“You might be kitten, as wolves just know, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t still the love of my life. I’ve lived long enough to learn to go with the flow, so if you want to be with the wolves too I won’t fault you for that as long as you still have room in your heart for me,” I explain hoping that my acceptance will ease some of her struggles.
“No! I don’t want them, I want you!” she shouts, throwing herself back into my arms. As much as this fills me with so much love and pride I know if they’re mates there’s no stopping whatever is between them.
It’s the nature of the beast really. Especially for wolf shifters, who really don’t have a choice. The universe just tells them this is your perfect match and that’s it. There was a time many years ago when I thought to myself it must be nice to just have your mate chosen for you and know without a doubt they’re your match. But I suppose the grass always seems greener on the other side. The situation in front of me right now is one of those cases that maybe the universe was just a little too nosey.
“You have me kitten, all of me. Let’s just go to bed and we can talk about this in the morning,” I suggest moving back so that she can lay down on our bed. She looks small and fragile laying there in Silas’ shirt, something that I never thought she would look like.
Those witches are dead for all the misery they’re putting my kitten through. No one fucks with the people I love.
Covering her with the blanket I kiss her forehead and watch as she slowly falls asleep, before quietly leaving the room to go check on Mila and get a bag of blood. There’s no way that I’m drinking from Jade in the state that she’s in, not even if she begged. She needs food and sleep for probably a week to get her strength back. I just hope that the lie we told her job about the flu would hold up that long.
The living room is dark when I make my way to the kitchen and fix a drink but just as I’m getting the bag out I hear a voice from behind me.
“You really love her don’t you?” Mila asks, her voice sounding clear and not groggy like I expected it to if she’d just woken up.
“Was there really doubt in your mind that a vampire like me could love a shifter like her?” I inquire, pouring the blood into a mug and placing it in the microwave.
“It’s not that you're a vamp, it’s the way she talked about you in the cage, I sometimes thought she made you up. There was no way a man so perfect could ever exist, but here you are,” she answers and I have to stop myself from bursting into a fit of laughter.
“My dear Mila, I’m nowhere near perfect, in fact the only thing good about me is the love I have for Jade. Before her I was a horrible man and vampire. If anything she deserves way better than me. I’m just too selfish to let her go,” I say, pulling my drink from the microwave and bringing it to my lips.
The smell is just as it always is, plastic and a bit repulsive but I simply tip my head back and swallow it down while holding my breath. As soon as it hits my stomach I feel euphoria as it rushes to my extremities. It’s muted because it’s bagged blood but it’s still enough to keep my body thrumming.
“Okay that’s gross, but I also think that I came a little by watching you drink it. I can’t imagine how sexual it would be when you drink from a person. I need to get myself a vamp,” Mila says and this time I can’t stop the chuckle that leaves me.
Her mouth had run a mile a minute since she got in the car and some of the things she said were funny but this was a whole new level of unfiltered.
“I would say perhaps Vikram and you could have a good time but he has his sights set on Jade’s friend Ruby,” I tell her but she doesn’t seem too upset.
“It’s alright, maybe one day I’ll find one that wants to have a taste,” she says with a shrug.
I can see why Jade likes her, not just because they were sort of forced into it by the situation they were in, but Mila is genuine. From the short time I’ve been around her I can tell that she’s unapologetically her and no one was ever going to change that. It was admirable even if her smart mouth probably got her in trouble more often than not.
“You should get some more rest,” I suggest as I rinse my mug and place it in the dishwasher.
“Night Night, vamp daddy,” she snarks before settling back down on the couch and falling asleep. Jade had raved about how comfortable the couch is before but I didn’t think it was capable of knocking Mila out so quickly.
But as I pause next to the makeshift bed for Mila I hear nothing but the signs of peaceful rest coming from her.
Worth every penny.
Jade is sleeping soundly when I shut the door behind me in our bedroom. Stripping off my clothes I get under the covers and pull Jade close to me just needing to once again reassure myself that she’s safe. The past week had been nothing short of misery and going to bed every day in our empty bed knowing that she wasn’t going to be there when I woke up, was torture.
I never want to feel that lost ever again.
If that means that our family expands to include a few wolves then so be it. I had no problem with the way supe communities usually had mate groups, in fact having more people to love my kitten sounded like a great idea. Even if Bellamy did hate my kind we’d find a way to work it out.
I wasn’t blind to the fact that even as he claimed to hate me he was also attracted to me. If he gave me the chance perhaps I could help him get over his fear and bring us both the pleasure we deserve. All I could do though is wait for him to come to me and see where things go from there.
Of course that would mean kitten getting over her aversion to them as mates. I’m not sure what all is going through her head right now but whatever she wanted I’d be there. There’s no way for her to get rid of me, even if she asked me to go I would probably just revert back to my old stalker ways. That way I could always be there if she needs me.
God, I hope it never comes to that.
* * *