Page 37 of Found: Denver Alpha

I’m a fuck up just like my father said I would be.

“My sweet Alpha mate, I’m not leaving you just because we have a fight. When we decided to be family that means through the good and the bad, so just breathe,” Jade tells me and I finally feel like I can breathe again.

“I really am sorry, I’ll be more considerate of our differences in the future,” I vow, laying my head on her knee and allowing her to run her fingers through my hair.

“Why don’t you jackasses apologize like that?” Franny asks her mates.

“Oh come on Franny, it’s very heart warming but that’s not really us and you know it. Sarcasm and sex is how we work things out,” the snow owl shifter; Ivan I think, responds.

“He’s not wrong Franny,” Tanner chimes in.

“Renzo love Franny,” The big green guy says.

“This is why Renzo is my favorite,” Franny snarks, but her voice sounds more amused than anything.

“He wasn’t your favorite last night,” Ivan comments, and from his tone it sounds like this conversation is about to go somewhere no one needs to hear about.

“This is off topic but is there any way I could get some food, I’m starving,” Jade asks, just as I hear her stomach growl.

“Shit. I’m a terrible mate,” Bell replies before I hear the door to the office open and close.

Obviously we’re fucking up this mate thing left and right.

“I didn’t mean for him to feel bad, it’s not his fault we all got distracted,” Jade mumbles under her breath, but since every ear in the room is a supe we all hear it.

“It’s okay you guys, really when me and my mates first got together they were a really tight group. One time they even left me at the grocery store. There’s a learning curve, don’t even get me started on the rest of our relationship,” Dell supplies, and from what I know of that mess we aren’t actually doing that bad.

“Idiots,” Alec says under his breath.

“Be nice big brother, things are working out fine now and they definitely appreciate me more,” Dell says defending her mates. I’ve only met the guys a few times but they seem like assholes that love their mate and that’s really all one can hope for. Jade is stuck with a few assholes herself so hopefully that’s not a problem.

“I don’t know what you like but I brought you a little of everything,” Bellamy says, rushing back into the room. He brings over a plate heaped high with literally everything and hands it to Jade who gives him a sweet smile as I move off to the side.

“Thank you, I’m not picky when it comes to food, something I learned at the orphanage. You eat what they give you,” she says, and her and Dell share a laugh. It’s good to see both of them connecting, I know Dell has her mates but I don’t think she really makes time for friends and I know Jade kind of kept to herself. For them to reconnect again after all these years is great.

“According to this book it looks like you’re approximately four months along. Of course that’s just a guess. I could try to use magic to narrow it down but I’m not a doctor like my father was,” Franny says, laying the book on her lap.

“Wait, what is your last name?” Dell asks suspiciously.


“That’s it! I thought I recognized you from somewhere. Your dad used to come to the orphanage and do tests on me,” Dell responds with excitement.

“I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure if you’d remember, you were young and it’s been many years,” Franny explains.

“Your dad was really nice, which was rare for anyone that worked there, so definitely memorable,” Dell tells her, a huge smile on her face. I’m struck once again by how beautiful she is even though she’s more lethal than anyone in the room.

A small growl brings my attention back to Jade who is looking at me like I did something wrong once again.


“For the love of God man don’t look at another woman with your pregnant mate sitting right here,” Ivan comments, shaking his head.

“No. I wasn’t checking Dell out. I was just thinking how she is both deadly and beautiful, but she and I are friends. I have no interest in any woman but you mate,” I tell her, hoping that she believes me because I am running out of energy for defending myself.

“Sorry, jealous cougar tendencies,” she says with a shrug before going back to eating.

I’m not sure I’m going to survive this pregnancy, but I’ll die trying.