“I figured as much,” Jace scoffs.
“So what do you want, Jade?” Bellamy asks, his words are soft, eyes filled with need.
“Honestly, I didn’t expect you to even want to talk to me,” I tell him, my body relaxing a little because things are going way better than I expected.
“It was our fault too, we pushed and you’d been through something traumatic. So I’m sorry too,” Bellamy replies, showing more of a sweet understanding side than I would expect from a Beta that looks like him. He's large and though he’s handsome, there’s an edge to him that I can’t quite place.
“I’m not sure what I want…” I say, pausing to gather my thoughts for a moment. The guys on the couch sit still waiting for me to continue. I can feel Silas and his is a mix of pain and hope right now but I can’t read the other two since we aren’t bonded. The thought of putting myself out there and saying I want them with the possibility of being rejected makes me nauseous.
“What do you want?” I ask, chickening out from telling them my truth. That I want to be a family for me and for nugget, because I’ve never had one and I want our baby to have one and feel loved everyday.
“You,” Jace comments, shocking me with his response. He’s always so hidden behind his mask that I never expected him to be the one to answer first. “We want you to be our mate, and we’ll do anything to make that happen, if you’ll just give us a chance,” he says and my heart beats faster as I see both Bellamy and Silas nod in agreement.
The room is silent all around me as if every person in the room is holding their breath waiting for my answer. Tears stream down my face as I feel love from both Dar and Silas through our bonds and nugget kicks in my stomach in agreement. These four men will be my forever. All I have to do is say yes.
“Yes, yes I’ll be your mate if you’ll have me.”
“I-fucking-do!” Jace shouts before all three of them get off the couch and swarm me, hugging me and kissing my cheeks.
With a free hand I reach out for Darius and pull him into the group embrace. Bellamy flinches a little but other than that doesn’t show any signs of distaste in my vampire mate. We’ll have to work on that later.
“Thank God,” I hear Dell say under her breath.
“Careful co-mates, you don’t want to squish, kitten,” Dar comments, his tone easy but I know he’s worried about the baby.
“Could you guys sit back down for a second?” I ask and they all back off except Silas who pulls my mouth to his and kisses me until I think I’m seeing stars. Only then does he pull back and take his seat.
“What was I saying?” I mutter out loud trying to get the blood back to my brain. Chuckles sound around the room and when I glance at Dar he’s smiling and giving me a reassuring nod.
“Oh yeah, we’re having a magical baby,” I say, lifting my bulky shirt so that they can see the slight bump of my stomach.
“Holy shit, it wasn’t like that yesterday,” Jace comments, once again surprising me by crawling over and rubbing his stubbled jaw on my stomach before placing his ear there to hear the heartbeat.
“As far as we can tell the baby is healthy, but is growing far more quickly than a normal baby. If anyone knows someone that might have information on babies influenced by black magic that would be helpful right now,” Dar explains.
Silas has tears in his eyes while he crawls over to join Jace on the floor. Gently he places his face on my stomach and then a small sob breaks from his lips. My tears join his and I run a hand through his hair as he just takes in the real truth that he’s going to be a dad.
Bellamy hasn’t moved from his spot but when I look at him he seems deep in thought. I hope that the baby doesn't make him change his mind about being mates. That would break my heart. Before I can open my mouth to ask if he is okay though he gets out of the chair and leaves the room.
“I have to make a call.”
“He’ll be back, kitten, just give him a few minutes to process the big news,” Dar reassures me, coming up behind me and letting me lean back against his frame while the wolves take their time getting acquainted with our nugget.
Maybe the whole rubbing your face on my stomach thing is a wolf thing, Darius didn’t do that when he found out. Of course he did show everyone his dick and shout that I was pregnant. I would say that is equally as awkward as this, if not more.
“Why don’t you go check on him?” I suggest to Dar, not sure how long the other two are going to be like this.
“Are you sure, kitten?”
“Yes, I want to make sure he’s okay and the other two here are busy. If we’re going to be family you two are going to have to work out your differences. Go offer him an olive branch,” I tell him, rubbing my hands through Jace and Silas’ hair, soothing both them and myself.
“As you wish, kitten.”
With a soft kiss on the cheek Darius takes off, leaving me and the two wolves in the office. Somehow in all of the excitement of the baby news Dell, Alec, and Vikrim had taken off. I have to say that I really appreciate them giving us this time even though we know that trouble is heading our way. We need to cherish these little moments because with the Black Coven you never know what will happen next.
“Do you guys mind if I sit down? I’m pretty tired,” I tell them and suddenly they both jump to their feet and quickly lead me over to the couch.
“I’m sorry, I should have offered before. I just wasn’t expecting to find out on top of you wanting to be my mate that you are carrying my child,” Silas says, rubbing a hand on my stomach, his dark eyes sparkling with tears and so much love and joy flowing down the bond I almost can’t help but smile in return.