Glancing around the room I didn’t even notice that anyone had entered the apartment with her. But standing over by the door is a very tall blond man, hot as hell but that’s not what stops me. He has the same eyes as Delphina.
“Oh this ball of joy is my brother Alec,” she says casually as if it’s not a big deal. But to me it’s a complete shock. How many times did we talk about and wish for siblings or really any family? And here her brother is in the flesh. The more I stare at him the more I can see the resemblance past just the eye color.
“How did you even know where I live?” I ask randomly even though there are a thousand different questions rolling around in my head.
“Jace has a big mouth, plus Scarlett is going to stay with Alec’s mate Sam in Sunset Peak until we can get this whole witch thing settled,” she explains getting off the floor and sitting down next to me on the couch.
“Do you like women? Because I would very much like to be the meat in a Jade and Dell sandwich,” Mila says, reminding me that she’s still in the room.
“What? You’re both hot and listening to you and vamp daddy all night has made me a little needy,” she pouts plopping back down on my other side.
“Please ignore her,” I tell Dell but she’s laughing so hard that when I stop glaring at Mila and glance over at her I’m not even sure she heard me.
“It’s like a female, River,” Alec says with a sigh, shaking his head as he takes a seat in one of the chairs at the dining room table. This only makes Dell laugh harder. It takes a few moments for her to pull herself together enough to explain her fits of laughter.
“I already have six mates Mila but thank you for the kind offer,” she says, clearing her throat.
“Six! Good lord you collect big dick energy just as much as Jade here does. Six mates! Can you imagine all the orgasms?” Mila says excitedly.
“Yep, just like River,” Alec comments once more and I have a feeling that he isn’t a big fan of this River person.
“Oh come on, he makes me laugh when he isn’t sticking his foot in his mouth,” Dell defends her mate to Alec with a smile on her face.
“I feel like I need the whole story about how you became a badass,” I tell her, bringing her attention back to me.
“Well it all started one night at a bar…”
* * *
For hours Dell and I trade stories back and forth about our lives and the struggles we’ve been through and surprisingly neither Mila nor Alec interrupt. We cry and laugh together and she shows me pictures on her phone of her son Max and all his dads. The story of how they all came to be happy together is one filled with heartache and strength but most of all love and forgiveness. I’m more proud to call her my friend because every story she tells shows her inner strength that I wish I had even a fraction of.
I tell her my story of working in diners and bars and eventually working my way up to stripping and finding that I actually really enjoy it. Instead of judgment in her eyes I see interest. And the hundreds of questions she asks me after lead me to think she might want to learn a few things. She would probably be good at dancing since she’s very flexible but I’m not sure I’ll have time to teach her any time soon. The witches are still on the loose and things with the wolves are rocky at best. Who knows what life will bring but I’ll cherish the time we have together right now.
“Darius and I bonded last night,” I tell her, finishing my story.
“From the sounds of it he’s a saint and mating with him is the best thing you could’ve done for both of you. You deserve to be happy and now that you’re free of Wren’s threats, live your fucking life,” she tells me, my heart warms and my face is starting to hurt from smiling.
“Well the witches are still a problem,” Mila chimes in for the first time in a while but even remembering the witches can’t ruin the joy that I feel just being with Delly again.
“That’s true but we’re going to get with the wolves and make a plan for offensive maneuvers. Last night we set up defense around the pack house; where you all should be,” Dell comments, giving both Mila and I the stink eye.
“Things are complicated right now,” I say.
“No shit. And honestly the pack has some assholes in it that I would rather stab than live with,” Mila snarks and Alec gives a growl as if he’s a wolf himself and not a witch.
“Alec, Sam told you they weren’t worth it, so you need to let it go unless they start shit now then the gloves come off,” Dell tells Alec trying to talk him down. It’s crazy to me not only that she has a brother but that they both ended up being assassins. Not a family I would fuck with, ever, if I valued my life.
A grunt is the best answer she gets from the man who is clearly not happy with the people that hurt his mate. I can’t even imagine living in a place that doesn’t accept everyone for who they are. Especially since being a supe is fucking hard enough in the human world. Makes me not want to have anything to do with the wolves even more, though I’m pretty sure that I’m mated to their Alpha.
I denied it from the beginning, the connection between Silas and me, but after last night I can’t even lie to myself anymore. When I felt Darius’ bond snap in place inside of me I knew it wasn’t the first time I’ve felt that. Through the drugged haze and danger in the cage I somehow pushed it aside as something to deal with later. Well later is at the door knocking and I have no idea what the hell to do about it.
“Not all the wolves are bad sweetie, Silas, Bellamy, and Jace are some of the best wolves I know,” Dell quickly says, most likely reading the panic on my face.
“Yeah, you know I would tell you if they are assholes, I mean they can be but like the good kind,” Mila says putting in her two cents.
“KITTEN!” Darius shouts from the bedroom, and before I have a chance to get up and check on him he flashes out into the living room, naked. Again.