The nurse, whose name was Donna, added something to Logan’s IV. A few seconds later he began to feel unusually calm. That was fine with him. Hopefully, he’d be asleep soon and this would be over. He couldn’t stop thinking about Alex. Right now this surgery was nothing more than an inconvenience. Her welfare was the most important thing on his mind.

He’d just closed his eyes when the door to his room opened and Dr. Schmeidler came in. According to Dr. Morton she was an incredibly competent surgeon. The best in her field. He was surprised to see that she looked about fourteen. Even so, he felt comfortable with her due to her reputation.

“You shouldn’t have canceled your surgery yesterday,” she said, frowning at him.

“Sorry, Doc. It was really important or I wouldn’t have done it.”

“This is really important too, Agent Hart. At least you’re finally here. I take it you have no plans to suddenly take off this morning?”

He smiled at her. “Maybe before you gave me this medication. But right now I don’t think I could do it even if I wanted to.”

She awarded him with a smile of her own. Wow. Now she looked even younger.

“Do you have any questions before we go into surgery?”

“Dr. Morton went over everything really well the other day. But could you do me one favor?”

“What’s that?”

“If you find rocks up there, will you remove them?”

“But if I did that, you just wouldn’t be . . . you, right?”

“You’re funny. Not sure I want a funny doctor, though.”

“Well, you’re stuck with me.” She patted his arm. “I’ll see you in a little bit.”

As soon as she’d walked out the door, Monty came in.

“Hey,” Logan said. “You didn’t need to be here so early.”

“Had nothing else to do. Nathan and I will be waiting while you’re in there.”

“You really don’t—”

Monty held up both hands, palms out. “Stop. You were there for me when my grandmother died. Just returning the favor.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate it. Have you heard anything about Alex? It’s been almost twelve hours.”

“Not yet. But hopefully she’ll be here when you wake up.”

Donna returned and approached his IV, holding a syringe. “Sir,” she said to Monty, “you can wait for your friend in the waiting room down the hall. The doctor will let you know when he’s out of surgery.”

“I signed some forms so the hospital and Dr. Schmeidler can release information to you,” Logan said to Monty. “I guess you’re filling in as my family today. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay,” Monty said softly. “You’re the closest thing I have to a brother. Jeff should be here by the time you wake up, Logan. See you soon.”

“See you soon.” He’d been feeling a little alone, so he really was grateful to know someone would be here for him when the surgery was over.

“This will start making you sleepy,” Donna said as she inserted the syringe into his IV, then pushed the plunger. “We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.”


He felt drowsy almost immediately, and within a short time he was moving down the hall, overhead lights flashing in his eyes. As the bed went through some double metal doors, he couldn’t fight it any longer and allowed himself to drift away.

“Does the ASAC at the command post know you’re sharing this with me, Chief?” Jeff asked as Dixon stood to leave.