“You need to quiet down, gentlemen.” She pointed at Monty. “Five more minutes, and then please leave. He has to rest.”

Monty nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”

She closed the door again.

“She’s not dead,” Logan said, his voice quieter. “I told you—”

“You need to be prepared, Logan. Even though she wasn’t in the building, we still don’t know where she is or if she’s still alive.”

“I understand what you’re trying to say, but I refuse to believe Alex is dead.”

Monty studied him for a moment before saying, “Okay if I pray for you?”

“I wish you would.”

Monty took Logan’s hand and prayed, asking God to ensure that the surgery in the morning would be successful, to guide the doctor’s hands and give her wisdom. Then he boldly asked for all the news tomorrow to be good. When he began to pray for Alex specifically, asking God to protect her and bring her home, Logan had to fight to contain his emotions. Monty seemed to understand, and his grip on Logan’s hand tightened. When he finished, he stared at Logan for a moment, then said, “If we get Alex back, you need to tell her you’re in love with her.”

Logan let go of Monty’s hand and wiped the tears from his face. “Being in love with someone suggests more than one person is involved. But I don’t think that’s true.”

“I don’t agree. You remember what she told you when she was in the hospital?”

“You mean when she was drugged?”

“It was in her mind, Logan. If it hadn’t been, she wouldn’t have said it.”

“I can’t count on that. Maybe she was thinking about ... you.”

Monty snorted. “I don’t think so. I’ve seen the way she looks at you when she thinks no one is watching.” He sighed and bent closer to Logan. “Look, man. If they’d found her body today, would you be happy with your decision to keep your feelings to yourself? You need to think about that.”

“We’re analysts,” Logan said softly as Monty straightened up. “We’re not supposed to be in the field. These kinds of things shouldn’t be happening.”

“You’re an FBI agent. You don’t have to be out in the field. Sometimes just walking to your car can put you in the line of fire. You and Alex have had way too many close calls.” He turned around and walked toward the door. “If you get another chance, brother, take it. Before all your chances run out. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Monty left and closed the door behind him.

Logan stared out the window of his room. Monty’s question echoed through his mind. “Would you be happy with your decision to keep your feelings to yourself?”

He knew the answer. And it was no. He swore he’d tell Alex how he felt the next chance he got.

Yet even as he made the decision, doubt tried to enter his mind. Would he really get another chance? What if Monty was right and he might never see her again?

He shook his head. He couldn’t accept that. He had to believe that God would keep her safe. He honestly couldn’t imagine his life without Alex in it.