Jeff didn’t look convinced. Alex wasn’t either. But after quickly putting that report together, all she wanted to do was to concentrate on getting Logan comfortable and away from the bright lights that seemed to exacerbate his pain.

As Tracy felt herself rising toward the light, sleep tried to pull her back, its heavy fingers grasping at her mind. She fought against the desire to fall back into the dark where it was safe. She didn’t want to face what was happening outside the comforting blackness that had kept her wrapped in its arms.

But then she remembered that a man had decided he had the right to take her against her will. Anger overcame fear, and she pushed the last lazy tendrils of slumber from her consciousness. Struggling to pull herself into a sitting position, she acclimated herself to her surroundings. She was in the same room.

At least her sheets and comforter were dry. Thank God. How weird was it to be embarrassed about wetting her bed in a situation like this? Someone had done this to her, and she was determined to find him and make him pay.

She wasn’t a wimpy woman. She’d taken classes in self-defense for the past year, ever since some man robbed her as she walked alone toward her car after school. She’d felt so helpless, and she didn’t like it. She’d found some classes offered locally on the weekends, and her parents had encouraged her to take them. Her father had experienced a lot of anger toward that criminal. Learning to defend herself had given him some peace of mind. It was worth the extra stress to her schedule to do that for him. She owed her parents so much. She was blessed to have them in her life and in the lives of her children.

Tracy blinked away tears. What were Matty and Cassie thinking now? Were they wondering if she was ever coming back? How were her parents holding up? She was worried about her dad. He’d had problems with his heart. Was he okay? She was more concerned for her family than for herself.

She pushed herself off the bed, then walked over to the door, put her hand on the upper panel’s knob, and slid it open. She was surprised when it moved. She’d assumed it was locked from the outside.

Tracy blinked to clear away the remaining sleep from her eyes. She was looking out on a hallway made of stone. She put her face against the door in an attempt to see as far as she could to the right and then to the left. Her vision was limited because the opening was so small, but it was what she saw across from her that made her gasp.

Another door. Just like hers.