“Yes, and she’s asking you to send some analysts down there since Agents Hart and Donovan aren’t available and this information could be important. Besides, even though it’s not protocol, I think she wants to keep you updated since one of your people is in harm’s way.”
Jeff nodded. “I’ll send a couple of analysts down there right away.”
“One more thing. An ex-carnie who heard about Tracy on TV says he knows something that might help us. He worked at the amusement park when the murders happened.”
“I thought you said everyone who worked there then was interviewed.”
“I did. But this guy—Mike something—says he couldn’t rat out another carnie back then. He would have lost his job and been blackballed. No more carnivals, amusement parks, or fairs. And it was the only income he had at the time.”
“So he let a possible murderer walk?” Jeff said. “Seriously?”
The chief shrugged. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
“Have they talked to him yet?”
“No, he’s coming in this morning. Do you want to be there?”
“Yes. No, wait. I can’t. Logan’s having surgery this morning. I need to be at the hospital. He refused to tell his family about it, so we’re all he has.”
The chief’s eyebrows shot up.
“I know,” Jeff said. “I think it’s a mistake too, but it’s not my call.”
“I don’t know what kind of surgery he’s having, but if it’s something serious, maybe it is your call.”
“You think I should phone them?”
Dixon nodded.
“I’ve considered it. More than once. But I can’t go against Logan’s wishes.”
“I hear you. I want you to know that I’m praying for your agents.”
“Thank you. Me too. And that’s not something I’ve said very often.”
The chief smiled. “Maybe you need to say it more.”
Jeff stared at him for a moment. “You might be right.” He stood and held out his hand. “Thanks, George. I appreciate everything you’ve done. More than I can say.”
“You’re welcome. And thanks again for listening when Lucas and I brought Tracy’s case to you. Stop by the command post after the hospital. I’m sure Agent Williams will bring you up-to-date on the investigation.”
Jeff thanked him again, and the chief left.
So someone might have information on murders connected to the same amusement park the UNSUB chose to meet Alex? That was more than interesting. Could this be the clue investigators needed?
“Didn’t think I’d see you here,” Alice said.
Her voice brought Jeff out of his thoughts. He hadn’t heard her come in.
“I’m headed to the hospital,” he said, “but first I need to get a couple of analysts to the command post.”
“Who do you want?” Alice asked.
“Monty and Nathan are at the hospital. Let’s have Bethany and Todd.”
“Where’s the CP?”
“Over at that furniture store that closed down by the highway.”