Anurse woke him, and Logan was confused. What was she doing in his apartment?

“Agent Hart, it’s five a.m. and time for me to set up an IV. Then I’ll give you some medication to help you relax. Your doctor will be by to see you before we take you into surgery.”

Then he remembered. “Okay. Can I have a sip of water? My mouth feels like cotton.”

“After I get you set up, I’ll give you a few ice chips. But that’s it.” She smiled. “Sorry, but we need to keep your stomach empty. Once you get back to your room and you’re fully awake, we’ll give you something to drink.”

“A pot of coffee would be great.”

She laughed softly. “I hear you.”

“Can I use the bathroom before you do this?”

She nodded. “While you’re in there, put on this gown.”

“So I’m exchanging one gown for another?”

“Yes, and I have some very attractive socks for you to slip on when you come back. And no underwear.”

“Can you explain why I can’t wear underwear if the doctor is working on my head?”

“Sure. It’s funny when your bum sticks out of the back. We need some kind of entertainment.”

Logan couldn’t help but laugh even though his concern for Alex made it difficult to feel amused. “Good thing my friends at the FBI won’t see me like that. I’d never live it down.”

When he was finished in the bathroom, he climbed back into bed, and the nurse put bright-yellow socks on his feet. Then after she swabbed his hand, he felt a light stick.

“That wasn’t bad.”

“That’s just the numbing medicine so it won’t hurt as much when I put in the IV.”

About a minute later, she slid the needle into his hand, and he didn’t feel a thing.

“Thanks. Wish all hospitals did it this way.”

She shrugged. “We got tired of the screaming.”

Logan forced a smile. “Do you get extra pay for making your patients laugh?”

She shook her head. “No, but it makes me feel better. People going through hard things need some relief, don’t you think?”

“I do. Thank you.”

She smiled again and then walked away for a moment. When she returned, she covered him with a warmed blanket that felt wonderful. “I’ll be back in a bit,” she said.

After the door closed behind her, Logan prayed. “I’m putting everything in your hands now, Lord,” he whispered. “Please take care of me and Alex. I’m trusting you to bring her back to me.”

Jeff was in his office early. He planned to go to the hospital, but he had some things to do first.

He’d been thinking about Logan and Alex most of the night. They were both in danger, just in different ways. His wife had grabbed his hand about two o’clock and prayed for both of them.

He wasn’t a religious man, but he knew Logan believed. Alex and Monty too. And he’d grown to care about all of them. Actually, he cared about his whole team. And since he’d almost died last year, he’d started thinking a lot about God and wondering about the concept of heaven ... and hell.

His wife had been trying to get him to attend church with her for a long time, and last night as she prayed, he’d decided to go. What could it hurt? Maybe there was a God. Ignoring the possibility was stupid. An intelligent person should want to know the truth.

When his landline phone rang, he was so lost in thought that it startled him. Alice wasn’t in yet, so he answered it. Maybe someone had news about Alex.