With Mike helping, Logan, Monty, and Alex worked all morning, going over and over all the information they had and trying to determine if they’d missed anything. It was close to eleven when the back door opened and Jimmy Gedrose walked in, flanked by two police officers.

When Jimmy saw them, he halted, then spoke to the officers as he pointed toward their group. The older man nodded, and Jimmy joined them at their table.

“Nice to see you again,” he said, smiling at Alex and Logan. “Nice to see anyone.” He cocked his head toward the men who had protected him. “Great guys. Made sure I kept breathing.”

“Good to see you too,” Alex said. She gestured toward Mike. “This is Agent Monroe.” She watched as they shook hands. No flicker of recognition from Jimmy, so maybe he was at the hospital before Mike got there.

Jimmy turned his attention to Monty, who stuck out his hand. “Monty Wong,” he said. “I work with these two.”

“Nice to meet you,” Jimmy said. “Any progress? Have you found this guy?”

“Jimmy, do you know a man named Adam Walker?” Alex asked.

“Not by name. And if you mean someone from the Circle, remember, we didn’t use real names. Just pseudonyms.”

Alex pulled a file closer to her, then opened it and took out a photo. “How about now?” she asked.

Jimmy’s eyes widened. “Yes, I met him. He came to a couple of Circle meetings.”

“In Wichita?” Alex could hardly believe they might be able to place Walker there. Maybe that’s where his family was. But she still didn’t think he attacked Willow and Nettie.

“Yes, in Wichita. But the last time he was there, he told us we weren’t true believers. Frankly, he was rather strange, which I guess is why I remember him. He called himself ... what was it? Oh. TM.” He laughed. “At first I thought he said his name was Tim. He got so angry that I kept getting it wrong. He’d say, ‘My name is TM,’ and I’d say, ‘Tim?’ Boy, I thought he was going to hit me there for a while.”

“You said he left the group after coming only a couple of times? When was that?” Monty asked.

“Oh, not long before I left, about ten years ago. We weren’t sorry to see him go. He talked about this war that was supposed to break out between the angels and the demons. It was all he talked about. The Book mentions it, but there’s a lot more to it. About self-worth. Walking in peace. Ignoring those who don’t agree with you without losing your cool. That was a big one. Circle members are taught to hide their true selves from others unless they become convinced they’ve found an angel. Then you’re allowed to tell them something about the group. However, if they don’t seem interested or they think you need counseling”—he grinned when he said this—“then you have to back off. Make them think you’re kidding or something. No matter what, you never reveal who you are to others who won’t believe. It’s expressly forbidden.”

“Jimmy, do have any idea where this guy might be? Maybe somewhere in or near Wichita?” Alex asked.

Jimmy frowned. “Not right off the top of my head. It’s possible he said something, but I’d have to think about it. For the most part, we just discussed The Book. Kind of like Christians do with the Bible.”

“I thought people in the Circle hated the Bible,” Monty said.

Jimmy nodded. “They do. But like I told Alex and Logan back in Wichita, after my wife died, I read the Bible and realized it made sense. The Book never did.” He smiled widely. “I found God, and I finally felt some peace.”

What is all this stuff about God? Alex wondered. Every time she turned around someone was talking about Him.

“He wants me to tell you that He saw your tears, and He’s been watching over you all this time.”

She suddenly remembered her prayer.

If you are real, I could use some help. If you’re everything Logan says you are, I’d like to know you better.

Was God answering her? She shook that thought away. She needed to concentrate on the case, not God. But this time when she tried to clear her mind, it wasn’t as easy as before.

Harrison joined them. “We need to ask Mr. Gedrose some questions,” he said. “I can send him back to you when we’re done. Has he helped you any?”

“He recognizes Adam Walker,” Logan said. “Walker was definitely part of the Circle, but not necessarily only in Kansas City or even Independence when he and his father lived there. He attended Jimmy and Willow’s group in Wichita a couple of times.”

“That’s new,” Harrison said. “Maybe he was traveling around looking for minions. Or maybe that’s where Walker and his father lived in those missing years between Kansas City and Independence. Follow up on that, Alex.”

“Yes, sir. We will.”

Jimmy leaned forward. “It turns out some members of the Circle are anything but angels. If any of them were in this room, you would have just signed my death certificate. Like I said, no one is allowed to reveal the real name of any member. But if they do, the demons will make sure their ticket gets punched.”

“I think you’re safe,” Mike said, smiling. “No Circle members here. Just law enforcement personnel who will do everything in their power to protect you.”