She stopped making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and looked at him. “Of course. We’re getting close to being halfway through The Book. I’m so glad we have your father’s copy. He taught you well. And I think it’s time to tell the children their daddy is called to bring destruction to a third of the earth, don’t you?”
Adam smiled slowly. “Yes. I think you’re right.”
Sally took a slow, deep breath, and her eyes grew shiny. “They’ll be so proud. I know I am.”
“Thank you, dear,” he said as he unlocked the door to the basement and prepared to step into his destiny.
With the threat of a possible deadly pathogen being released on the public, FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group sent a small plane to get Alex and Logan to Wichita as soon as possible. Monty took the plane Alice Burrows ordered to Kansas City.
The Kansas Bureau of Investigation had been alerted to the situation and requested permission to approach Alex’s aunt themselves given concerns about time. Their request had been denied. Alex made it clear she had the better chance of getting Willow’s copy of The Book quickly. They were sending an agent from the resident agency in Wichita to pick them up at the airport. Hopefully, Alex and Logan wouldn’t have to deal with bruised egos with any agency, the FBI or otherwise.
To be honest, Alex wasn’t convinced she’d be able to get The Book either. She hadn’t talked to Willow for years. She’d forced herself to call from time to time, but Willow rarely answered her phone, and her landline wasn’t set up for voice mail.
As their plane approached Wichita, Alex’s stomach tightened, and she began to feel nauseated. She was disgusted with herself. She was a trained behavioral analyst with the FBI. She’d faced the worst the world had to offer. Murderers, rapists, child molesters. Terrorists intent on killing large groups of innocent people. Human traffickers. She’d looked into the eyes of evil many times and had learned to control her reactions. But since seeing words from The Book painted on the sides of train cars, the fear she’d overcome in her twenties was trying to make a reappearance. It was silly. She was afraid of a woman in her sixties who had never hurt anyone that Alex was aware of. Was she being unfair? Was she taking her pain out on Willow?
An incident she’d almost forgotten flashed in her mind, making her wonder if Willow really was harmless. Suddenly Alex wasn’t so certain. Maybe that was why she was so apprehensive about seeing her again. She pushed away the memory and instead thought about the day she first met Willow—her mother’s only sibling. She knew her mother had an older sister with whom she’d once been close. But her mother told her they’d simply grown apart. That Willow was sweet but had “emotional problems.” They’d never visited her aunt, and Alex never thought much about her.
Then her mother died.
The caseworker assigned to Alex must have realized that her aunt was nuts as soon as they arrived at the house. Living in dirty, messy surroundings and dressed like some kind of hippie from the sixties, Willow LeGrand was clearly living on some other planet. One Alex had no desire to visit, let alone stay there until she was eighteen. But the caseworker had just dropped her off and walked away, even though Alex had pleaded with her not to leave her there. It was obvious the woman couldn’t have cared less. Just another case checked off her list.
It took Alex weeks to get the house clean and figure out how to feed both of them. Willow had been existing on candy bars, chips, and pop, but she gladly gave Alex money from her disability check so she could go to a neighborhood grocery store and buy food. Within three months, Alex had become the adult in the house. Cleaning, cooking, and paying bills that had been neglected for quite some time. Eventually, things began to run more smoothly ... until Willow started talking about some crazy book with aliens, demons, and angels.
Then came the meetings. Alex was instructed to lock herself in her room, forbidden to come out until Willow’s Circle guests left.
Alex realized she was digging her nails into the armrests. Her fingers hurt as she straightened them. She reminded herself that there was no other way to find a copy of The Book and attempt to get ahead of a man who may have the power to kill thousands if not millions of people. She had no choice but to approach her aunt.
The plane landed at the airport. When she’d left Wichita, it was called Mid-Continent Airport, but in 2014 it was renamed the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport. As she peered out the small window next to her, she noticed the main building had been given a needed facelift. She wondered what else had changed, but she didn’t plan to stay around long enough to find out. She had to get that book and get out. It needed to go to the lab at Quantico so they could look for fingerprints—although there wasn’t much chance they’d find any but her aunt’s.
Alex and her team were convinced they weren’t looking for an unknown subject now. They were confident Adam Walker was behind both the train killings and the virus threat. And Monty had been right—trying to stop a potential mass murderer was different from looking for a serial killer.
Alex was grateful her colleagues weren’t treating her strangely. After sharing her past, she’d been afraid they would see her as weird—and different from them. She’d fought hard to free herself of the odd little girl she used to be. The fears that had controlled her. The nightmares that struck terror into her heart. She could feel the beginnings of a panic attack, so she concentrated on her breathing. In, out. In, out. It had been years since she’d had to deal with one of these attacks. She couldn’t allow them to come back now.
“Kansas City won’t give us long to get that book,” Logan said as they waited for their pilot to tell them they could disembark.
“I know.”
The cabin door opened, and Special Agent Keith Corbin came out. Keith was not only a pilot but a member of the FBI’s Emergency Response Team, working out of the Washington field office. Well respected throughout the FBI, he was called upon when agents needed to get somewhere fast or if evidence needed to be delivered to Quantico. Keith was a handsome man with prematurely gray hair and an easy smile.
“You can disembark now,” he said as he lowered the outside stairs. “I’ve been told to wait here for you. Must be an important assignment.”
Alex and Logan rose from their seats and grabbed their go bags.
When they reached the door, Logan shook Keith’s hand. “They’re all important, I guess, aren’t they?”
Keith grinned. “The perfect response. Well, whatever’s going on, I’m praying for your success.”
“Thanks, brother,” Logan said.
Alex nodded at Keith and mumbled her thanks before they headed down the stairs to the tarmac. Was Keith a Christian too? It felt as if Logan and Keith were part of a club she wasn’t a member of.
She and Logan had just entered the terminal when they heard someone call out their names. They both turned to see a man approaching them. They stopped as he came near them with his hand extended.
“Special Agents Donovan and Hart?”
“Special Agent Monroe, I assume,” Logan said. “Nice to meet you.” They shook hands, and then Agent Monroe approached Alex, who shook his hand as well.
“You look so familiar,” she said. “Do I know you?”
Monroe laughed. “You certainly do. In fact, you’re the reason I joined the FBI.”
Alex frowned at him. She never forgot a face. Why was she having trouble with this one? In just seconds, as if a rotten wooden door sealed for years broke open, she remembered. She felt dizzy and fought hard to steady herself.
“You used to call me Googly,” he said with a big smile. “It’s me, Mike. We lived down the street from each other for years. Rode the bus to school together.”
Alex tried to speak, but no words would come out. The past was scratching and clawing its way into her carefully constructed life. No matter what she had to do, she was determined to catch the creep who’d opened the door and let it in.