“All right,” Harrison finally said. “But I need you to keep working on this assessment. Do what you need to do in Wichita and come right back.” He looked at Logan. “Go with her. I’ll contact Keith and let you know when to meet him.”

Alex and Logan arrived at the airport just as Keith got there, barely back from Quantico. Logan could tell he was tired. Hopefully he could sleep on the plane while they were in Wichita.

Alex was quiet, and Logan didn't try to start a conversation. He sensed that she was dealing with emotions he probably wouldn't understand. All he could do was make himself available if she needed him.

When they landed in Wichita, Mike was waiting for them.

“I’m so sorry, Alex,” Mike said when she slid into the front seat next to him. “I was certain you’d want to know right away. One of our agents picked up the report and called me. He knew we were friends. I hated making that call. You don’t have to go to the house, you know. We can go somewhere else. Get some coffee. Talk.”

“No, I want to go. I need to see.”

“Do you think this is the guy you’re looking for?” Mike asked as he started driving away from the plane. “Would he do this?”

“No,” Alex said without any hesitation. “Walker has an agenda. A calling. He has to kill two more people, but he has to do it big. Leave a message behind. Killing a couple of helpless old women doesn’t fit his signature. He wouldn’t do anything to contaminate his last sacrifices. They’re the only thing keeping him from releasing a deadly virus that will finish out his destiny.”

“How dangerous is this virus?” Mike asked. “Kansas City’s keeping a lot of this on the down-low.”

“We don’t know. It’s possible ... Well, it could be catastrophic.”

Mike turned his head to stare at her. “We need to warn people, Alex.”

She reached over and put her hand on his shoulder. “Listen, we don’t have all the facts yet. We’re not sure what we’re dealing with. Going public now would be a big mistake. We could lose him and the virus. If it comes to it, I’m sure the right decision will be made. But for now, we can’t make assumptions.”

Mike was quiet, then said, “All right. Just do everything you can to help us find this guy, Alex.”

“We will. I promise.”

Logan couldn’t help but worry. Would they be able to offer anything that would help investigators find Walker? He hoped so. But would it be in time? Was Mike right? Should the public be warned? Frankly, he was grateful that decision would come from someone with a higher pay grade than his.

He didn’t have friends or family in this area of the country. He was thankful for that. But Adam Walker’s actions could devastate other families. Logan was trying not to think about the actual results from releasing such a deadly virus. It was overwhelming, and he needed to stay focused.

He could see Alex’s face reflected in the windshield. She looked tired. It would be hours before they would get some sleep. They’d been booked into an extended stay hotel in Kansas City with no idea when they’d actually get there.

They finally arrived at Willow’s house. Cars lined the street—both marked police cars and unmarked cars that probably belonged to detectives assigned to the case. The coroner’s car was there too. A couple of vans from local news stations were parked across the street from the house, but it was clear the police had told them to stay out of the way. If they hadn’t been corralled, they’d be in the front yard, hounding law enforcement with questions. It had to be below freezing, but several reporters stood outside, talking to the cameramen they’d brought with them.

Mike double parked so they could leave when they needed to. Without saying a word, Alex opened her door, got out, and headed toward the house.

Logan hurried after her. He’d seen some terrible things over the years, but this was the first time an agent he knew had lost someone involved in a case he was working. He wondered how this would affect Alex. Her armor fit snugly, but was it strong enough to protect her from this?