Page 51 of Fat Omega

“Reese, you can wait in that room there.” He points to a slightly ajar door under the staircase. He smiles encouragingly at me as he lays a hand on Arlo’s shoulder. I tense up immediately; Willard may be a beta, but he shouldn’t be touching what’s mine.

Arlo raises an eyebrow at my expression, and I force myself to calm down.Arlo isn’t mine, I remind myself angrily,not any more than Haven is. The cameraman follows me as I make my way to the little room beneath the stairs.

There are monitors in the room, showing different angles and spaces throughout the mansion. I spot Haven on one of the screens right away, and a growl rises in my throat. She’s sitting in a hot tub, clad in a gorgeous, low-cut swimsuit covered in cherries, smiling and laughing at three rough-looking male alphas who sit nearby, grinning at her. They look like they can’t wait to get a taste of her. Like they want to eat her whole.

I tighten my hands into fists.This is what you wanted, I remind myself.This is what you pushed her to do.

The reminder doesn’t help. Neither does the camera trained on my face.

A woman with a clipped bob haircut, clearly an alpha from how she carries herself, walks into the room. She smiles sympathetically as she sees me looking at the screens, then gestures to a chair facing away from the monitors. She takes a seat across from me, crossing her legs.

“Ed, get out of here,” she says, gesturing to the cameraman. He turns on his heel and leaves, closing the door behind him.

No other cameras in this room, as far as I can tell.

“Reese, correct?” she asks.

“Yes. And you are?”

“Jenn. One of the show’s producers. I wanted to introduce myself to you personally, since it seems you’ll be staying with us for a while. Our newest omega says you were a fine feral for her; a very decent fuck. She says that the other omegas might enjoy a ride if their spikes demand it.”

Her words hit their mark, but I try to cover up the pain. Even if Haven did say that, which I doubt, it wouldn’t be untrue; I am, in fact, a very decent fuck.

Jenn leans toward me as if imparting a secret. “Now, we’re not asking you to do anything you wouldn’t do anyway. Definitely we don’t want you to be uncomfortable. We don’t have any other ferals here right now; the girls haven’t needed them between the packs and the drugs. But if one of the omegas comes to you in need, just… do what comes naturally, ok?”

“What comes naturally?” I ask, my voice raw.

“Yeah, you know. Some growling, some dominance, a knot or two… We’ve heard you’re good at that. It’s an off-camera roll, of course.”

She smiles at me like she didn’t just remind me that I’m a whore. A panicked lump forms in my throat. I don’t respond, and she seems to take my lack of agreement as a refusal.

Her eyes turn cold. “I’ll remind you that your release from prison was contingent on your cooperation with the show. If that’s not going to happen…”

I turn around and look at the monitors, where Haven is drinking a glass of champagne. She closes her eyes for a moment and shakes her head as if trying to clear it. The pack grins, and one of them steps forward, putting his hands on her waist and drawing her close. My jaw tenses. Are they getting her drunk on purpose? She needs someone to look out for her; to make sure no one takes advantage of her.

“Her heat is probably only a day or two away,” Jenn adds. “We could try to tamp it down with drugs, but since she hasn’t been taking anything until now, she’ll need some help through it. She could turn to the packs, of course…”

“She won’t need to do that,” I growl.

Jenn smiles blandly. “Excellent. Glad to have you on the team.”

Chapter Twenty-five


The music is thumping, and I hear giggles and gasps from the backyard. I grab my camera and head out in search of Haven. Someone touches my arm to stop me.

“Remember,” Derek says in my ear, his caramel scent curling around me and making my stomach turn. “You’re only here because Haven made a deal for you. One more slip up, and you’ll be out the door.”

“Got it,” I say tightly. I stride out into the back, scanning the space for Haven. She’s sitting in the bubbling hot tub, her breasts bobbing on the surface. The pack in there with her is watching her with intense gazes. I set up my camera, focusing the lens on my beautiful Haven. She doesn’t look at me; apparently we’ve finally managed to hammer it into her head that she shouldn’t look at the camera. Outside like this, she probably won’t catch my scent, either.

“So,” the one with the scar across his eye says, sliding closer. “You’re new to the whole omega scene?”

Haven smiles shyly, sipping her champagne. “Well, I’ve been an omega for a while, so I’m not sure I’d say that. I’m new to the whole pack dating thing, for sure.”

“That’s a good thing,” another alpha purrs, moving up on her other side. He throws an arm over her shoulders and drops his nose to her neck, nuzzling her. “God, you’re a sweet one, did you know that? I can’t believe no one has snapped you up already.”

He says it in such a way that it’s charming and not sleazy, and Haven practically blossoms under the praise. “I haven’t had a lot of opportunities,” she admits. “No money for the ballrooms.”